
How come women can’t go sleeveless when Paul Ryan is allowed to go spineless?

Hey, I think that’s the look my tweaker brother in law goes for.

He said he respectfully disagrees with some of the coverage he has received from the media, in particular from Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski, but nevertheless he respects the need for a searching and critical press to a functioning civil society, and ultimately he welcomes the scrutiny because he thinks

50 bucks says the Trump kid picks his nose....

Are we any closer to getting the kind of technology that I’ve seen in sci-fi shows and movies where let’s say fuckheads like Mcconnell’s mind is force linked to the mind of a terminal cancer patient without health insurance, so all these self serving uncaring G.O.P pricks get to feel what its like to be completely

Pfft. This is the guy who dreamed in college of screwing over poor people, so I doubt he has any problems sleeping at night.

definitely gonna use it to fuck

definitely gonna use it to fuck

Life Hack: How to avoid taxes legally under the new regime.

No need for a draft to get that point across, if people had to simply pay taxes to fund the war by itself would’ve changed people’s mind.

i always assumed its so has the privacy to furiously masterbate every time he sees himself on the tee vee.

I’m pretty convinced that the general opposition to the vague specter of Sharia Law is because it’s the “wrong” religion, not that the laws are too harsh.

This is gonna be great. Two years from now, there will be school districts that teach creationism as a legitimate scientific theory and won’t even mention Darwin.

I couldn’t care less what laptop other people buy, and I always buy the best things I can afford, (I am not rich) but the fact that in 2016 there is still not a Windows laptop that is not a pain in the ass to use is one of the most mind boggling things in the technological world. The trackpad and interface on my 2008

One request: Do not do these things if you're trying to sell your house. Seriously.

Two cameras on every cop and another two in the car, one facing out, another facing in. Cost be damned, it needs to happen, both to prevent police from abusing their power, and prevent any questions about what happened in any altercation.

I see a lot of electronics malfunctioning in the near future for the Ferguson PD

Condoms. You can save a ton of money by buying them in bulk, reducing the chance of being out of them "in the heat of the moment" and the awkward conversation during the subsequent purchasing process.