
Luxury cars, regardless of their reliability ratings, sell to people who won’t keep them beyond the warranty period and probably in most cases lease them. Lack of reliability is the dealer’s problem. It means the dealer will have to drop off another Range Rover loaner while their car is in the shop. They can live with

On the other hand it’s quite surprising she babysits for extra cash considering what her parents are already doling out.

Quickly skimmed through a few of those money diaries and Ive got to say that overall these people seem to eat out way too much. If money is tight, maybe hitting Starbucks and eating out for lunch or dinner every day is a bad move. You can’t bitch about your student loans at the same time youre spending $25-35 a week

My 11yr old daughter was on musically non-stop for a while with a locked down account. It struck me as mostly containing very good looking minors dancing and lipsynching in, many times, suggestive ways. Now if youre a young girl watching those videos that seems semi-normal and harmless. But if youre an adult male wat

How do the cops even show up for that? “I got knocked down playing basketball” should have had the 911 folks laughing at him.

Im a white hetero middle class male. I guess this is a perfect time to stop giving a shit because the shit is going to be bad.

Ive always used 1/3 cup oil, 2/3 cup popcorn and it has worked great for me using a stock pot or a whirly-pop popper.

Are there any non-weasle like pictures of this guy?

In 40 years of driving I think I’ve used my spare twice. Still insist any car I buy have one though.

This is why I have my credit cards set up to get automatic minimum payments. I pay my credit cards off every month, but if I ever forget or miss it by a day I’m not hit with the penalties and hiked interest rates because at the very least the CC company got their minimum when they wanted it. I’d venture to say all

Zebra F-701 in solid stainless steel.

Since almost nothing comes with a stick shift anymore, wouldn’t just about ANY car qualify?

I’m not surprised that racism and racists still abound, but I am surprised that they think there will be zero ramifications when they widely spout it.

OMG that dash! Who at Pontiac though the “melted” look was a good thing?

I think the other thing to keep in mind is that few of the sites people visit would have any long term negative effects if they got hacked. Anything related to money (bank/IRA/etc) or proof of who you are (main/fallback email accounts) should have good unique passwords. The others, who cares? So somebody gets my

I think it bothers people because deep down it’s all BS. 2 3oz bottles of liquid is ok, but 1 6 oz bottle isn’t??? A frozen ice-pack is OK, but a thawed out ice-pack is a security hazard. WTF.

That would be nice. My company eliminated sick days AND cut back on maximum number of weeks of vacation per year one could get. I’ll be puking in the office waste basket before I stay home now.

Unless I happen to be using one of those soap containers where the cap is specifically designed to drain back into the bottle, and not the outside, it goes through the wash.

Yeah I get it, streaming is great. It is. But wait a few years when every studio and tv network has their own streaming service, isn’t going to share their content with any other streamer, and every single one requires a $10+ a month subscription. You’re going to want those DVDs back.

I used to watch a lot of FoodTV, now I’m lucky if I see 1/2 hour a week. This is largely because every time I hit the channel it’s some kind of “competition” cooking show. If I wanted competition I’d be watching ESPN. I can’t recall the last time I saw just a chef trying to teach me a dish or a technique on FoodTV.