I’m looking forward to it. Real life isn’t all laughs or all drama so why shouldn’t a TV show have both. And some of my favorite Next Generation moments were the character down times where they just ribbed/joshed with one another.
I’m looking forward to it. Real life isn’t all laughs or all drama so why shouldn’t a TV show have both. And some of my favorite Next Generation moments were the character down times where they just ribbed/joshed with one another.
I like how you’re supposed to be big and gracious about this when a lot of companies won’t even get back to you after an interview. You have to contact them to find out you’re out of the running.
That is a 20% so good for her. It’s what I would have left.
My daughter tends to think my music sucks until it appears in a movie soundtrack. and then suddenly it’s awesome. Which may be the best part about the “Guardians of the Galaxy” movies for me.
The whole handshake thing needs to die - regardless of the sexes involved. I’ve been in the restroom too many times when someone does their business and walks out without washing. I don’t consider myself a germaphobe but I’m really beginning to loath the handshake. I’d rather we adopted a nice Japanese bow.
the lock screen contains ads for products Amazon sells.
the lock screen contains ads for products Amazon sells.
I thought that was a bad thing? Seem to recall oven mfgs voiding warranties if you lined the bottom of an oven with aluminum foil.
I thought that was a bad thing? Seem to recall oven mfgs voiding warranties if you lined the bottom of an oven with…
It is if you read the ingredients, but if you just eat it - Oh my.
I’m sure by now Disney has bought that too. They basically own all of childhood.
I remember reading an article once that said Paula Marshall was a TV series curse. Cast her as a regular and you were doomed to cancelation. Never understood why unless it was just bad choices on her part.
As long as it remains an elective I don’t have a problem with this. I do see this opening a can of worms though as every flavor of Christianity and other religions starts demaning their own elective course. Where do you draw the line?
At the same time, even an animal learns after getting smacked in the head so many times. You’d think at a certain point these voters would quit caring about gay marriage and other devisive tropes trotted out during election season and maybe, just once, vote in their own economic self interest. Hell my cats learn…
It must really suck trying to sell a high end phone if you’re not Apple or Samsung.
It must really suck trying to sell a high end phone if you’re not Apple or Samsung.
pocket to kindle fire ->
Other than philosophical reasons in not wanting to support Amazon, I don’t consider a Kindle e-reader “locked down”. You can email docs to it and you can use calibre to convert just about anything to the mobi/azw format it prefers. But if that’s not good/easy enough, buy a Kobo Aura reader since it supports 14 file…
It’s quite possible she doesn’t believe anything she says. She’s just determined there’s a better market for an attractive conservative talking head than an attractive liberal talking head.
more police, or gun free zones wherever politicians are with exceptions for gun toting politicians.
This seems like prime red meat for the conservative blogs and talking heads. They’ll enjoy this discount more than people on assistance.
I can think of a lot of times this would be useful. You’re at a group dinner and you’re on one big check, just have one person pay for it and others message them the cash. Or I do group events where one person organizes a retreat and we all send them our portion of the costs. Up till now we’ve mailed checks or used…