
Ur right. Porsche loved it when I got a quarter-million people to look at this:

The Supreme Court that Trump just stacked by adding two of his own hand-picked judges?

He is suffering from a bad case of having shitty parents.  I guarantee his parents have on faux all day.

This kid is suffering from a bad case of Backpfeifengesicht 

I’m not holding CNN responsible for anti-vaxxers, just pointing out that CNN is a big contributor to the “both sides” mentality that permeates US media and culture that holds that both sides of a debate deserve a seat at the table when in many cases they do not.

His super power is stupidity.

He is the perfect Republican president. Just as George W Bush was. He doesn’t call the shots—the Kochs, the US Chamber of Commerce, the defense industry do that. He’s a smoke screen to entertain the Base and keep them riled up, while truly evil things go on in the background.

“That we’re still at a point where we have to pretend Trump became President because of anything other than racism, racism, a media culture that values ratings and profit over actually informing anyone on anything, a mistaken belief that “becoming rich” and “being smart” are one and the same, and racism is absurd and s

One of the thoughts that I’ve hated more than anything over the last 300 million years it feels like Trump has been President, is the amount of credit he gets for being some next level supervillain genius who’s masterfully manipulating the press and his believers.

The best part? The day’s not even over yet. Manafort showed up in court today a broken, beaten man--slumped over, hair pure white, speaking in monosyllables. Can’t wait to watch Mueller deflate Stone the same way.

What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening, remember?

People have a short memory.

Meghan McCain makes a comfortable living as someone who is laughed at and ridiculed on TV.   

How about the other host though? First, she says the troops don’t get enough credit for serving, which, bullshit, but that second piece? “We’ve been on the brink before...Civil War, Vietnam War, Civil Rights.” How many people had to DIE for America to “survive” and right the wrongs? That’s what we’re trying to avoid

How do they keep getting away with this “both sides” shit when Trump - on television - took ownership of the shutdown? Like, what the fuck?

Thank you. Morons like Trump who know the price of everything but the value of nothing are the ones most often promoting this viewpoint.

Trump decided to hitch his star to the performance of the stock market, most likely in the face of all advice not to do so because of this.  So, like most of his shitty half-baked ideas, he’s going to have to own this one.

Why not both?

He’s supposed to be a very wealthy man. What is up with that suit ? Is it really so poorly tailored or is he just a formless lump of flesh?

>>> the government’s “Catch and release” program