
The Juke has definitely grown on me. It looks like a happy little frog.

Limos are weird. The last time I was in one was this summer, when my friend got married and I was in the wedding party.

I've heard that, to this day, if you tell Clooney you saw that movie, he'll apologize and give you $8 back.

I love when they have him next to Steve Cangilosi. The poor little guy looks like a GI Joe next to Danyeko.

My aunt had a Datsun B210 without heat. Or carpet. Just bare metal floor.

God, that wheel looks like Son of Silverado.

I know they hated on the new Allroad, but I kind of like the lack of air springs. I heard lots of horror stories of the system breaking and leaving people completely fucked.

I've seen a ton of cars lately with unpainted front bumpers. Mostly Grand Ams and such. I think people got into an accident and didn't want to pay to repaint the new bumper.

NOS, rally lights, and a switchable, on-demand AWD system. There's 3 dummy buttons, THAT'S WHAT THEY MUST BE FOR!

Not just German, I'm almost positive my friend had only one mirror from the factory on his 85 Olds.

But do you really need heat in Brazil?

I had this on my Jetta. Next to the traction control, 3 dummy buttons. maybe they would do something if I had an automatic, or maybe they just expect everyone to install aftermarket rally lights.

I'm ashamed of how long it took me to get the tune for that.

Curbside Classic/Autobiography: 1986-1991 Seville – GM's Deadly Sin #21; And To Think That I Owned One! — Curbside Classic

I think it's impossible to sing that song without accidentally saying shitty-shitty-bang-bang, even if you're not trying to.

The idle sounds pretty good, I wonder what it sounds like when it revOH MY GOD INDEPENDENCE DAY IS HAPPENING

Self-immolating popup book! Almost as bad as the Ferrari.


When you're an adult, NORAD Santa Tracker is still pretty damn cool.

Sounds like you had an encounter with a raging shithead. WHO WORKS FOR THE GOVERNMENT. Jeez, some people are just nuts.