Michael Daul

I hate the sanctimonious implication all of this “financial wellness” industry that wants to convince us, the public, that it’s our own fault we’re not rich. They imply that if you were as smart as them, and followed some basic common sense ideas, you too would be rich. Bollocks! Half of em made their money through

This asshole probably has a 30 second youtube add that comes on(every fucking time you’re trying to watch a video)...he’s in a garage surrounded by a 5 year old R8(murdered out) and 9 year old 458 (of course its red), and starts telling you about what books he reads, and how you can have the type of financial freedom

I’m a dad and I agree. Hell, even if I didn’t have kids, I’d agree. All that matters to them is that you acknowledge their needs. He’s both providing feedback to help him get better AND he’s showing his son that he cared enough to watch. That’s a damn miracle.

“Listen Kyrie, I think it’s great that you’re curious about the world and learning about things outside of basketball. Here’s the thing though—there’s a lot of stuff on YouTube that’s just flat out false and conspiracy theories aren’t held to the same intellectual rigor as scientific texts...”

Man, I coach youth soccer and I wince every time I hear stuff like “WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT THERE?!?!?!” from the other sideline.

The amazing thing is, he didn’t have a dad to model after. He’s basically self-trained (or, his mom was pretty awesome).

He might also be a good youth sports coach. It’s amazing how easy they are to spot. Good coaches (and parents) focus on what kids do right when a kid is feeling down, remind them what they can do better when they get a little too cocky, and always offer specific, substantive feedback. “Nice try on that ground ball;

Shit, man, I feel better after that pep talk.

The forehead works, too. At least on Deloreans in 1955.

Look closer my friend. That is, in fact, a prancing moose.

First off, to call me a “commie”, you’d need to have one scintilla of evidence I am one. I, in fact, am not, as I was raised in a country that was just starting to shed its Communist past and all the fun little things like food shortages and widespread corruption that came with it. You know what country I’m referring

Idea: train former players to be referees. KD would never ever pull this shit on Kevin Garnett

Just watch out, cause I hear Johnny Tran is coming with his Honda 2000 and a score to settle.

Was steering feel improved by using a PS4 controller?

I can tell by the beard on your face that you need a Stage 2 COBB tuned 2008 Subaru Forester 2.5XT. It will give you all the functionality you need and put a smile on your face every time you start it up. I would recommend not lowering it or at least keep the suspension as compliant as possible since years of carrying

The other sti?

Volvo V70R.

In such a situation, it it far too easy to mistake the velocitator for the deceleratrix.

Not only that, but they actively petition companies to pay to join their accredited group so that they can get A ratings.

My longest drag race was 300 miles. I was in a '71 Mach 1 (351c) and my college roommate was in a '67 Chevelle (327). We literally raced, from a standing start, 300 miles home for Thanksgiving break; we grew up right next door to each other, and had been racing home since we could walk. Long story short. we left at