
A bit of a flashback. This Lois looks slightly like Margo Kidder, the original movie Lois.

I work for a company that occasionally has to name new products and the process is hellacious. Frankly, the best names (for any product) were all taken long ago

Sounds like they’re going for the (Sad? Bad?) Proud Boys intellectual level.

I recall Joe Rogan, when talking about that gross-out game show he was on, said whenever they had strip club strippers compete on the show they were always referred to euphemistically as ‘models’.

And I thought THIS had ‘We’re contractually obligated to make this movie’ written all over it.

Hah, I just got back from watching a Youtube video that spent more than an hour cataloging precisely why the last Star Wars movie was a steaming pile of garbage.

To Ben Kingsley.

Wonder Woman 1984 broke records...” Haven’t we seen this before? We get a massive amount of advertising in the hope that it’ll drive a holiday weekend box office windfall before word gets out about just how bad the movie is.

I’ve read that scriptwriters in Hollywood often rank lower than craft services on the set. The first Iron Man didn’t have a script at all and other directors have tried (and failed) to pull off the same stunt.

Some actors are able to retire on their laurels (and their hefty bank accounts). Others apparently have mortgages and alimony payments to maintain so they take any job that comes their way. That’s why you usually get to see one familiar face in every bad/cheap movie that comes out.

And still, it was a better movie than Mulan.

I’m starting to wonder if these big budget superhero films are mob money laundering operations or something. 100 million gets paid to ‘someone’ to produce these monstrosities but they don’t make back half that. It resembles the RNC paying THREE HUNDRED MILLION for Trump Junior’s book that they’re then going to use as

I was n0t feeling in the Christmas spirit at all until I stumbled a Youtube video of Korean pop star Lee Hi singing Christmas standards while dressed as a Christmas tree. She did a totally deadpan performance but you could see her pianist struggling to keep from cracking up. The highlight was when she did a rendition

Since this is AV Club its time to pull up a ‘Chinatown’ quote:

I suppose its all meant to be affirmative ‘girl power’ reinforcement for young women, but turning the protagonist into a superbeing subverts the message. It instead seems to be saying ‘These people are special, you’re not.’ I’m reminded of a Korean series last year when a high school girl becomes aware that she a

Its funny how Melania came to the US to work as a ‘model’ but none of her modeling shots from her career have ever surfaced. With the exception of a few that look more like promotional photos for a call girl service.

What to do with your Trump-loving relatives? Bedding made of burlap, thin soup and stale bread for meals, and corporal punishment.

Either way, honesty is the best policy”

The British children’s series ‘Thomas The Tank Engine’ was accused back in 2017 of classism, repressive authoritarianism, sexism, racism and anti-environmentalism. Sometimes you get the impression that British culture is not the mirror image of American suburban liberal values that we thought it was. People seem to be

One of my recent pandemic pass times has been watching millennials on Youtube reacting to ‘classic’ (ahem) movies beloved by the previous generation. We’ve all seen these movies too often to enjoy them anymore, but watching others see them for the first time is like seeing them through new eyes.