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Since ‘the internet’ is a limitless topic  I’ll mention my own personal favorite for getting me through the pandemic year:Foreign TV’.
My current favorite is a series just started named ‘Mr. Queen’ (a title which should be taken literally). The plot: A playboy suffers an accident and wakes up 700 years in the past in

The graphic design is a header followed by an embedded video, followed by paragraphs. Unless you’re seeing something I’m not.

Isn’t it funny how in nations where ‘civic responsibility’ is an admired character trait the Covid crisis isn’t 1/5th as bad for them as for us. Libertarians want people to be free to live as individual bears in the woods. Well, this is what bears living in the woods looks like.

Lets not forget a Christmastime shout out to AV Club itself! We may not have seen HOST or David Lynch but everyone here has passed the pandemic year frequenting THIS site. :-)

The Potter world exists in monarchic England where lifelong roles were indeed assigned to children at birth simply based on who their parents are. This isn’t about transexuality, its about class stratification. If you don’t like the sorting hat abolish the British monarchy.

Ah yes, that termCIS men’.

Do you recall that debate from some years back on whether Holmes and Watson were gay? The obvious truth is Holmes and Watson were only what was written on the page because they did not exist beyond the bounds of the books. Rowlings is the Harry Potter author so anything Rowlings says is necessarily canon. If she wants

The middle east in 1984... what was happening then? The only thing of note that I can find was the Iran-Iraq war. At the time we were on the side of Saddam sending him satellite targeting information for his nerve gas bombarments of Iraqis defending their borders. Well, with a bit of Ronnie Reagan stealing massive

A bit over a year ago AT&T purchased an international streaming service with a deep library of titles that went back more than a dozen years. Then they killed the company, flushed the library, and cannibalized the infrastructure.

China has had 4,500 Covid deaths TOTAL. The US matches that total every 2 1/2 days. There no normalizing what’s happening in the US.

I recall my time spent in the corporate world. The most noticeable thing was how the worst sociopath a-holes in the company would invariably have a pretty young woman hanging on their arm like an ornament.

What’s that MacBeth line? ‘A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing’. I’ll leave it up to you to interpret that as a commentary on rabid fan zealots, on pop culture articles, or on the author herself.

Your comment about the weird anti-feminist subtext for a film starring the ultimate feminist icon reminded me of Mulan. That film took a crowbar to the concept of working to achieve equal gender status though your accomplishments. It substituted the subtext of ‘elites are simply born better’. Shall we look at the new

Here’s a concept. If you’re a couple months into a global pandemic that’s likely going to drag on for two years maybe you shouldn’t be greenlighting 400 million dollar ‘blockbusters’ in the first place. Its the equivalent of ignoring the news and opening a new mall restaurant chain. You thought there wouldn’t be

I don’t get why 1984. Its as though some studio exec thought since he had fond nostalgia for Gremlins, Sheena and Karate Kid that some of that old movie nostalgia would rub on on WW by simply setting it in the same time period. But nostalgia for 36 year ago only works if you’re over 50.

Tommy Lee Jones started out as frat boy #3 in ‘Love Story’ in 1970 and parlayed that appearance into a 50 year career.

Sounds like somebody got scolded for not being a good actress.

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Look offshore for new classic Christmas songs. Here’s a cover of ‘12 24'.

Hands up if you’re confident you’re going to still be alive the end of February.

Funny you should mention Mulan considering that Wonder Woman 1984 is currently giving Mulan stiff competition for the title of ‘worst superhero movie of 2020'.