
By coincidence, Cinemax has a series about a vigilante who is also a secret sex trafficker!

You know how the Pentagon finances and supports gung-ho war movies? I wonder if NASA is behind these pro-NASA series. In the real world its becoming obvious that NASA’s Mars plans are the world’s most pointless, expensive boondoggle. So we’re seeing these rah-rah space booster productions. ‘The Martian’ even kowtowed

That film looked like every Liam Neeson movie of the past decade.

Every couple years there’s another bad overwrought Steve King miniseries. The tradition stretches back decades, ‘The Langoliers’ was a quarter century ago. Oh, and as someone from Maine with a French surname, ‘Langolier’ would be pronounced lan-GO-li-er

Trump supporters are now murdering citizens in the street. There have been nearly 500 incidents of armed right wingers terrorizing people recently. How can incidents like this become normalized behavior in this country?

This film is especially ironic now that we’ve got the Falwell junior ‘revelations’ (not in the biblical sense). The flip side of their mania for ‘purity’ is straying off the sacred path can become downright transgressive. Because if you’re going to hell for the smallest infraction anyway you might as well ‘go big’.

Just one year later in 1975 Jame Earl Jones would star opposite Estelle Parsons in the ground-breaking TV movie ‘The UFO Incident’. Ground breaking in that it portrayed a mixed race marriage in 1961, in a story that wasn’t about discrimination or injustice or intolerance. It was about a normal loving couple, well

Its interesting, no matter how far back you go in James Earl Jones’s career he’s always regarded as a respected veteran actor. Looking at his IMDB page his first acting role was sixty eight years ago! His first movie role was in Dr. Strangelove.

It isn’t AV News but the state of American music. What was Jermaine Dupri’s recent critique of the industry? “Strippers rapping”.

Now playing

Original actor voices and subtitles on Aggretsuko please.

Its interesting that in ‘Smile’ Perry at first offered a hint-of-a-tease that her lyrics might have some ‘depth’ to them, then she subverts it with a deliberately vacuous chorus. Almost as though she’s saying ‘I very nearly had a thought in my head but thankfully I was able to expunge it. And now I’m happy again.’

If we’ve learned anything over the past 20 years its that the right wing doesn’t ‘get’ satire. They look at the most absurd lampoons mocking them and they think their worldview has been validated. First watch ‘Idoicracy’, then vote Trump into office. They do not see any irony in that.

3/4 of all SNL humor is pretty much some guy standing there yelling “LOOK! IM BEING FUNNY! YOU THINK I’M FUNNY, RIGHT?’ And SNL is notorious for the number of alums that are right wing dicks.

At least Dolezal is sincere. Compare her to Kim ‘I’m not African-American but I play one on the internet’ Kardashian whose only in it for the money.

An interesting recent timeline.

Sometimes I think ‘stars’ must be a little bit envious of ‘actors’.

I’ll sit through pretty much any adaptation of any Henry James novel, novella or short story but not Dickens. Frankly, the film being heavy on the sketch comedy and light on the ‘Dickens’ sounds like a positive.

So... apparently Jerry Falwell Junior likes watching his middle-aged wife get schtupped.by a 20 year old Spanish pool boy. In a related story, a hurricane is about to hit the Red states during the Republican presidential convention. I think God’s trying to give y’all a hint.

That’s not Jesus, that’s a 20 year old Spanish pool boy at a Florida resort.

Hmmm... I dunno. There’s this whole movie genre that I call ‘Women aren’t interesting to watch unless they’re also secretly gay’.