
Apparently when it comes to some people the #MeToo movement is dead.

Remember aaaall the sorts of things ‘pundits’ like Carlson have supported... Voter suppression, government torture camps, police brutality, war crimes, stripping of workers’ rights, pollution, lies, nuclear war, misogyny, the denial of food assistance to the poor, the denial of human right to everybody, denial of scie

It was just a few weeks ago that we were given the deathbed confession of Norma McCorvey, the ‘Jane Roe’ in Roe vs Wade who admitted she was paid $$$ by the right wing to support the reversal of women’s right to choose. It wasn’t so very long ago that the right wing was caught red-handed concocting a false sexual

Latest count: One hundred and fourteen thousand. 5% of the world population and 25% of the deaths. That percentage may go down soon because Brazil is ruled by a Trump wannabe whose Trump-like incompetence is now pushing that country’s death count higher.

Joke answer: There was the film ‘Idiocracy’ from 2006. But frankly, President Camacho seems to be a stable trustworthy leader compared to what we’ve got currently.

Hong’s film ‘Claire’s Camera’ from 2017 was largely in clunky English too with the French and Korean leads using it as a a common lingua franca to communicate in.

I remember many years ago a Boston COPS episode was being filmed when they raided the wrong apartment - a black guy’s of course -who promptly died of a heart attack.

Yeh, you really really are. IU’s worldwide hit single ‘Eight’ from last month was film in a two story modernist ranch-style home not far from the ‘Parasite’ style.

Actually, the Parasite house looked like the celebrity mom’s house in the 2013 soap opera ‘You’re the Best, Lee Soon-shin’. Long time K-drama watchers are amused by how people are reacting to Bong’s work as though its something entirely original. The peach allergy subplot? That showed up in the 2017 time travel series

I recall a couple presidential election cycles ago the GOP began one of their primary debates by having the candidates stand and recite the ‘pledge of allegiance’ It was sooooo obvious that most of them were struggling. It seemed that a couple even choked on the part that talks about an indivisible nation with

Think back to 2016, the women’s march on Washington. A gigantic peaceful protest marred by ‘agent provateurs’ who smashed windows and set fires in an effort to discredit the movement. What’s the odds that the cops themselves had set stores on fire to create a ‘gulf of Tonkin’ incident that would be the excuse for

People don’t seem to understand the ‘bad apple’ metaphor. It doesn’t mean there’s just one bad actor. What it means is if there’s a bad apple in a barrel of apples the whole barrel will quickly rot.

Looney Tunes were originally cartoons for adults. They were shown in movie theaters before the feature started. They were meant to be brash and sarcastic and sometimes vulgar. Emasculating them to serve as eunuch virtual baby sitters for 5 year olds seems wrong somehow.

We’re living in a post ‘Parasite’ world now where we look back retrospectively at American films we once liked and realize, ‘Oh yeh, that film had awful cinematography, horrible character development, bad acting, and no point to the story’.

Jay Leno made a 40 year career asking simple questions to people on the street and getting alarmingly ignorant answers. You would be astounded by what the American public doesn’t know.

How insecure do you have to be to be word searching ‘insecure’ looking for articles about yourself? That’s a mobius strip of insecurity.

Back-in-the-day I used to love tuning in to my local college station to get my daily dose of ‘world music’. Then the self-righteous moral scolds arrived, claimed that the term ‘world music’ equals segregation and forced the programs off the air, effectively killing the sole outlet for foreign musicians in the US.

I have a friend who likes to go places one hadn’t ought on the internet and somehow managed to convince himself Nazis flew flying saucers in WWII. It took a great deal off effort for me to disabuse him of that notion. Here’s a handy rule of thumb, if something you heard about straight-up defies the laws of physics it p

Don’t confuse other cultures’ ‘problematic’ issues with our own. Not everything in this world is about us. Skin lightening products are very big in China and Korea currently. Pretty much every K-beauty product has a skin lightening compound in it. And no, they’re not trying to look ‘Anglo’. They’ve got their own aesthe

This reminds me of Susan Sarandon who stormed off in a huff back in 2016 because according to her the ‘wrong people’ got nominated. She claimed former Senator Clinton would be no different than Trump as president. Has Sarandon come forward yet to disavow her self-defeating absolutist views and apologize for her