
This is the correct answer. Have fun standing in line 40 min in 105 degree heat for a beer. There’s other options in the immediate vicinity of jester king.

What the everloving are you talking about?

I think seeing a NART Spyder parked on the street might cause me to briefly ignore the nearby F40 as well.

Every part will be broken or leaking?

I love how dumb your reasons to hate Miata’s are. Cancer? Ever heard of sunscreen? Do you hate the beach too? You don’t have to buy anything to make a Miata livable unless you are an idiot that can’t function and make decisions like a normal adult human. I forgot why I disliked your writing, between half baked

As a guy with a Spec Miata as his avatar and a 26 year original owner I honestly believe the Miata is the best car I will ever own - FOR ME.

You’re talking to nerds, car nerds, but still nerds, and nerds aren’t known for being sensible people, who know how to empathize and converse with other folks.

Go Home. Give me another recent, cheap, lightweight, rear wheel drive, drivers car, with a communicative chassis and then maby you can talk. The miata should be alone praised for the fact it has been a gateway for young gearheads to start working with cars and wrench for Decades. Stop whining when you should be

I love the all 3 cars - I wished I had bought the 308 GT4 when I had a chance. Just 5 years ago, you couldn’t give a GT4 away - now a well sorted one is 80K easily...

Precisely. The fastest car in the first 10-or-so laps of a 24-hour race isn’t impressive.

Holy crap, dude. Get better!

Cue the motorcycle riders who let other riders get away with this behavior by defending them at every turn....

This is wonderful!

My mom didn’t know much about cars, but she did love them. My entire childhood she only drove two door cars, because, “Four door’s are ugly.” She fed my immediate and unending love of cars, with copious amounts of toy cars and trucks. She used to drive all over hell and back to find the latest Micro Machine releases

My mom got in an auto accident, and during a scan for a related back injury, the doctors found kidney cancer. With mortality staring me in the face, I immediately went out and bought a Porsche, and I drove right to my mom’s house to take her on a long drive. I’d never owned a car that I really loved before, and that

You know, when I’m in my cage and I see somebody on a sportbike hauling ass up to me about to pass me, despite the fact lanesplitting is illegal where I live, and it still annoys me they are driving like a douche, I don’t try to block them or start trouble like an asshole. Why is this so hard for people? What part of

Oh, I get it now. Our job is to be “convenient” for you. Roger.

And the reason for that law is in the next sentence (and jibes with my experience as both motorist and cyclist on mountain roads, and city streets for that matter): “This will prevent motorists from passing you when there is not enough room.”

Have you ever ridden a bike up a big ass hill? Probably not, you’re too busy commenting online trying to come off as superior.