
You have been able to buy these for years for your home theaters. I have two installed under my couch.

Sounds like the prologue of a great sci-fi book.

Well something needs to done, it will always happen because there was no real repercussions to the neglectful maintenance of their drilling platform. They still have barely used any of the money they promised to used towards restoration of the area. Just angers me to know you can do just about anything you want and

Yeah because it's okay to create one of the largest natural disasters ever recorded and then continue business as usual. I’m sorry they should not be allowed to operate any longer, at least in this country.

BP should be sued into bankruptcy and die.

Ah that sucks, hopefully it does not effect the quality of the film.

Why did the hunger games director not want to do the sequel?

I am already pissed that they changed the character of who plays hulk three times!! They should have kept Ed Norton...ugh.

Release pikmin on DS and I will buy one today.

When is it supposed to be released?

I need bulbs to replace the 100 watt halogens in my high hats! Anyone using these or similar in high hats and happy with the light output? The CFL suck, too dim and make everything look greenish.

Not really hard to run your own wires through the walls and terminate everything in nice wall plates. Though the 5 year warranty is pretty impressive, especially for ikea of all places.

You can loan kindle books to other kindle users very easily.

No games! I bought one shortly after launch and that is the biggest problem, no good titles. Mine has been collecting dust sadly :(.

Um where do you see jagged edges?

Um where do you see jagged edges?

My dentist would do the same. I'm 32 now, that's alot of X-Rays....ugh. I need to tell him to cut back to every other year.

Kickstart this!!!

I want it on the Vita!! Come on Sony, port it!

Don't know why Apple hasn't done what Microsoft is working on, allow the ipad to dock and become a full fledged laptop.