
Way to stick up to the man Redbox!!

Yeah they need to make the camera smaller and change the distance its required. We know they can do it, since the Kinect coming out for the PC only requires a few inches.

I would imagine if you feed them plastic, they can't be too good for you...lol.

I hope they make a box set of all the characters. I really don't want to buy massive kits for one guy.

Aww but I have grand dreams for the future of humanity...massive multi-generational ships carrying us to every corner of the galaxy. Terra forming planets, building dyson spheres, harnessing the power of entire stars and spreading life. Moving beyond our galaxy by yet undiscovered propulsion technologies and

Guess I don't know much about Tarzen...lol.

I want a pygmy elephant. We should start a program to either clone the extinct ones or start selectively breeding the current ones for dwarfism. They would quickly become the number one desired pet! Well as long as you can house train them.

Not if we have the ability to start colonizing the galaxy and eventually the universe. There is ALOT of room out there.

When did Tarzen kill gorillas?

They can write names on grains of rice, such an individual should be able to paint a small gameboy as well. Just need a fine enough brush.

Agreed!!! He would do wonder not just for NASA but the entire country.

IDK, there home world (if that is what it was) in the AVP movies was pretty advanced looking...lol.

They said it would not get through "intact", does that mean a few larger pieces could survive? I’m sure if a piece is large enough and it went over a major population center it would cause some damage. However I guess depends on the asteroid being a solid ball of iron or loose rock clumped together.

That's what I want to know.

OMG I love how his little balled up fists are shaking as he breaths.

Man I feel bad for that guy, how the heck did he even get around? Wonder if he ever left the house.

Because the only reason for these delays is to force people into buying DVDs and attempting to hurt streaming media. They are terrified what happened to the music industry will happen to them, what they don’t get is people will gladly pay for a service that they want. Delaying rentals and streaming services for

I always thought the predators created the Xenomorphs as the ultimate game animal to hunt.

I am highly optimistic about finding life on Europa, I would be more surprised if we didn't. We don't even need to drill through the ice, just a lander to investigate the red patches on the surface. Good chance any microbial life would be brought to the surface through up welling along with the minerals.

Do you see the size of that thing? They are native of Africa and in the US (southern states mostly) it his HIGLY invasive, eating the majority of flora in its path. Guess people who had them before it became illegal released them into the wild after they got bored with them as pets. As usual a few idiots ruin it