Mike C

2 quick things that came to mind for this episode:
1) The song choice of "Don't Fear the Reaper" was fitting considering that the military attack drones are referred to as "Reapers" in some cases in the real world, so it had a nice subtle meaning there.
2) Before it was revealed that Ward was Hydra, my thought was that

Question on Nadia's bite thing: Is Klaus the only one that can cure a bite from a werewolf or hybrid? Or can Tyler's blood also cure his bite, since he's a hybrid too? Just curious, because I'm wondering if we're going to get a scene with Nadia telling Matt what happened and Matt asking Tyler to cure her.

I bow to your superior knowledge, I had no clue on any of those others.

Yeah I think I remember reading somewhere that Mumy's appearance in AR-558 was to help bury the hatchet, which Majel Barrett had also done when she came over to B5 as a Centauri seer. I know that G'Kar was a Romulan - Tomalok - on TNG, and obviously Bester was Chekov in TOS, but which other actors did both shows? I

I'm surprised no one has yet pointed out that Bill Mumy in AR-558 was at that point in time best known as Lennier from Babylon 5. Having a B5/DS9 crossover was big news back then due to the shows' rivalry.