Mike Cline Jr.

It is a horribly unfunny show, in my opinion.

I wonder if Netflix knowing the exact number of viewers will help or hurt her, instead of the rough estimation of the archaic Nielsen system her not that great ratings have been based on.

I disagree, It's the best show ever, I've watched it all the way through several times, loving every second and sad that it's over.

Tony: Go clean the gutters
AJ: Gutters?
Tony: Don't get smart with me.
AJ: I really don't know.
Tony: AJ, grab your jacket, we're leaving.
AJ: But, I didn't bring a jacket.

No other show had or would have the balls to end that way top 3 in my book.

I wanted to believe right after I first watched it, that he kept on living. I feel the opposite now after watching it several dozen times and reading the lengthy theories. His no was basically a fuck you, I don't want to talk about it more that a definitive answer. I think it was a brilliant series ending that we're

I thought the same thing, but every news outlet is reporting it as debate over. Not sure he meant it that way.

I want a realistic Fire department show where the guys mostly sit around watching TV and making Chilli with a bunch of false alarms and the occasional real fire.

I don't understand why she didn't mention to Bill that she could hear his thoughts, that's a pretty big development based on the established science of the show. Instead her and Jason just said, "hmmm, that's weird, welp I guess I'll call the cemetery."

Girls, Veep, those two British ones that were canceled and now the comeback. HBO has a history of canceling high cost dramas to save money while letting shows like Entourage go on years past their prime.

This episode was laughable, but I didn't expect much. I think they should have skipped the flash forward and just end with Sookie walking into the dark. Also can anyone tell me why HBO is bringing The Comeback back again and canceling Boardwalk, other than Game Of Thrones HBO has nothing worth watching in the drama

Well, internships have basically replaced the concept of entry level jobs in this country, so why not take it one step further? Companies do not want to pay people to learn the job, they want everyone to come in with five years experience at entry level wages and now they're taking money for these positions that most

I had no idea that this song was a bad song, I've been evidently wrongly enjoying it for the past 25 years or so. I'm glad the Internet is here to make sure I don't make the horrible mistake of enjoying a song again. AC/DC Rules!

Calling the band humorless is not accurate, James and Kirk are pretty funny guys and even Lars is fun if you watch backstage and studio footage.

I believe it is married, because he saw the two squirrels getting it on which led his innocent mind to assume that meant they were married.

I don't think I can be a nerd, because I was a horrible student up until college.

I really don't think Nerd and Geek are interchangeable. To me a nerd is someone who is way into academics, like a mathlete or president of the science club. A geek is someone who has an obsession with some type of pop culture like Game Of Thrones, Star Wars, video games, etc. A nerd can be a geek and a geek can be a

They mentioned towards the beginning of the Governor storyline that the walker's metabolism is way slower so it takes them longer to die of starvation. I hate that no one has ever called them zombies in the show. I guess zombie fiction didn't exist in their world.

Because they haven't mentioned the CDC storyline in years and often ignore the science they established during that time. They decided for better or worse to completely abandon any sci-fi aspects of the show and become a glorified soap opera.