
It won't be F2P as it's released on both PSN and XBLA (if it was PSN only they could have done it as F2P)

I played Guardians of Middle-Earth on 360at Gamescom, it was a very good console MOBA, and felt totally natural to play. No problems at all with this genre doing well on console, if developed right.

Yup, you've just become responsible for the next SyFy movie

Ha...if only I was creative enough to make it myself :D

See, they missed a trick by not making them interlink with the pens (Human Centipede style)

Glad to be wrong on all counts then ;)

I did mean boars - it doesn't matter anyway, badgers will beat boars and bears every time ;)

Ah yes, you're totally right - I got confused (haven't played WoW for about two years now)

The best bit for me is the list of Blizzard no-no's.


It is worth seeing (saw it here in the UK about six weeks ago) but it's hard to say why, or that I enjoyed it.

Ah Crackdown - took me a while to realise why this image gave me strong feelings of nostalgia - it was one of the games featured in a comic strip in The Eagle (published here in the UK during the '80s/'90s) called Computer Warrior.

I LOVED APB, had so much fun playing that game when it came out.

I struggled to get over the notion of driving on the left in an open-world game too...and I drive everyday on the left here in the UK.

Ha. You're awesome, I wish I were you. No, no, really. I do.

Fully agree, I'd only allow Miike or Lynch the reigns for a full move adaptation of SH2...though if Gans was allowed more say and there was no studio input, he could have a second stab too ;) (Brotherhood of the Wolf is still one of my all-time favourite movies).

I think your obscenity was far worse than his, and your patronising tone is more offensive than his scornful one. Get off your high horse.

This is the same reason I started playing games with subtitles on, now, whenever I get the chance (for any type of game) I turn them on.

Ha, just watched that episode last night - best episode of the series yet!