
Don’t worry, this air freshener is INflammable!

Talk about a hot SEAT!

I am actually on team Camaro. If it was my money that is the car I would pick! I know all about the changes of the Gen 5 vs gen 6 and it’s such an amazing car! Im sorry if my message did not come across clearly but I was talking about the average Joe consumer doesn’t know any of that! They just know about appearances

Really and of the Big 3 muscle/pony cars is the right answer.

Yup. And I’ll go to my grave insisting on mullions in my double-paned (single inner-paned) windows. Just because technology makes something work better doesn’t necessarily mean it makes it look better.

Wow. That’s exactly what I think when people say we don’t need grilles, we do. Humans like things that are recognisable. Hell, part of the reason that the Alien from Alien is scary is because it can’t be sympathised with because it’s missing almost everything bar a mouth. No eyes, no nose and we can’t relate and now

The real COTD.

It’s no accident that most cars have two headlights (or headlight areas), a prominent center feature (Grille or radiator in the Model T era), four contact points to the ground (2 on the front, 2 in the rear), and is more or less symmetrical from the front and rear: It resembles a living thing. Headlights are the eyes.

“It sounds like owners of the Renault Zoe and Nissan Leaf can sleep well knowing their cars can stand up pretty well to mighty trees at top speed from both side and front impacts.”

Lost?  You should see the other guy. And by guy I mean pedestrian. 


I try to be careful with my generalizations, but in this case.. I’m not. When we’re out and about doing shit like shopping or dining, the amount of times we see boomers acting like complete shits is almost unnerving.

Generally speaking, your generation reaped the benefits of a high income tax rate, exceptional expansion of housing that kept rates low, and achieved financial stability on a single paycheck by a non college educated worker. And THEN, have the audacity to accuse each subsequent generation of being lazy and needing to

Boomers deserve every bit of ridicule that can be thrown at them.

Click bait.

Im sorry but what in the actual hell is this article? A sperm? That’s a stretch, by a long shot.

That is a well thought out comment and as far as the propaganda thing goes I was just being facetious. And as far as the get bent comment goes that’s basically because I’m tired of the outlaw cyclist argument every time something like this comes up.

Most cyclists just want to safely get where they are going and are doing their best to do so.”

This is dumb!!!

This Ford GT.