
I was born about in the middle of the years defining the boomers. Neither I, nor any of my age-similar coworkers, had pensions, jobs for life, or single income families. 

The middle of the boomer generation was in their early to mid twenties in the late 70's. Boomers were taking office at that time?

History lesson: The boomers saw the previous generation as the cause of all the problems.

Boo-fucking who

Why the FUCK does he need the rest of that?

That one Boomer in every family.

There’s no struggle anymore. It’s just automatically assumed that parents will take on loans for their kids to go to school to party and maybe get a degree.

That one Boomer in every family.

Both the spoiler and the bumper on the mustang in the title video are made of polyurethane and would not cause a spark when hitting the wall...

Eh, you think criticism requires due process. It doesn’t. Don’t be dumb.

Maybe I’m wrong, but it doesn’t matter what their intentions were, they still committed fraud.

Nobody is putting him in jail,

Why was this issue left out?

• Stick in the fridge: The free option is to use your refrigerator or freezer. The multiple layers of metal will block your key fob’s signal. Just check with the fob’s manufacturer to make sure freezing your key fob won’t damage it.

would he have then said “oh no, I was just joking, let me pay what you are asking”?


the satisfaction of seeing a car parked across the street, walking over, looking in the window and discovering that the car is not an automatic (lame) but a manual (hell yes).

The main reason for the change happened in 1979, when the city’s Taxi and Limousine Commission tweaked the medallion system and allowed medallions to be leased out for the first time for up to 12-hour shifts.