
That must be the high point of a TV critic's career.

Never watched "Night Court," but this article reminded me of Tom Shales, who wanted people fed to the sharks.

Richard Corliss once wrote that "The Bells of St. Mary's" is the adventures of "Father Bing and Sister Ing," and that has stayed with me ever since.

I really liked him in "The Saint" way back when.

I said last night as I watched the show, "I really miss Maxwell Lord." He was far more compelling than the Luthors this season.

Didn't Nathaniel Hawthorne write a story called "Wakefield" about a guy who hides in his own house and spies on his wife? Is Doctorow's story an homage to Hawthorne?

A very good write-up on this episode, that, frankly, didn't live up to those that came before it.

Exactly. Arthur's own story ends tragically. Hollywood would probably be better off looking at the story of one of the knights, such as Sir Gareth's adventure (which I'm always surprised has not been filmed) or "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight."

Has there ever been a blockbuster hit about King Arthur?

"To be human is to suffer" made me think of Woody Allen's "Love and Death."

Aldrich can be hit or miss with me. I love "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?" but don't care for "Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte."

In the last scene between Mack and Tripp, Mack looked as if he were having second thoughts about his decision.

I was kind of cool to this episode. My problem was the villain, for reasons that this article largely goes into. If Joe Schmo from Hickville knows Kara is Supergirl, what does that say about everybody else in this universe? Joe Schmo can frustrate the Martian Manhunter, he has the money to rig up this complex

I'm a big Karloff fan, but I've never liked "Mask of Fu Manchu." I watched it once on TNT back in the 90s and was unimpressed.

Snapper was really charming last night. I think this was the best show for him all season.

I think it was back in the 90s that ABC did a survey and found out that yellow was the most popular color, or least threatening color. Yellow is supposed to make everyone happy. So ABC ads for many years used the color yellow as background.

What! No mention of "Killer Klowns from Outer Space"?? That was a lot of fun.

I've heard of "The Iron Crown," but have never seen it. I think Goebbels disliked it, if I am remembering that documentary that was narrated by Kenneth Branagh correctly.

You mean The A. V. Club doesn't actually dictate the moviegoing habits of Americans?

"Honey, I Shrunk the Grad Students" really made me laugh. I'm sure if it had been possible, some of the departments I encountered would have shrunk the grad students and just had them grade papers all day.