
Glad to see someone else who loves "Ronin." It is a terrific movie with a great cast. I love how De Niro chases Sean Bean out of the room after Bean proposes an ambush of a motorcade.

When I heard Rickles had died, I thought of him making fun of George Schultz right away. Glad you had the clip available tonight.

Glad to come across someone else who liked "Johnny Handsome." I think I was one of five people in the theater when I saw it way back when.

I missed this.

Yes, if you were alive in 1990, you were aware of "Home Alone."
My wife and I went to see it because my sister-in-law told us it was the greatest movie ever. Turns out, she hadn't seen the movie. She was just repeating what her third grade students told her.

There is a series of novels about Ness' career in Cleveland by Max Allan Collins, who is a pretty prolific mystery novelist.

The book "The File" by Timothy Garton Ash gives a fascinating look at East Germany. Garton Ash was a British college student who went to East Germany around 1979 to do research for his dissertation on the Nazis. In the 1990s, he went back to Germany, read his Stasi file and realized who had reported on him. The

I watched "Compulsion" a couple of years ago and was pretty impressed. In a way, it is two movies, the crime and then the trial. Somehow it holds together, even though it changes a lot when Orson Welles shows up.

Glad to see "The Assassination of Jesse James" made A. A.'s list. When I was a kid (and I'm older than A. A.) I went through a Jesse James phase and read everything about him that I could. Never did I expect to see a movie in which the scene about the "burnt pork chop" came up, but there it was in "Assassination."

"Never be rid of me."

It seemed to me like this was "Supergirl" nearly without Supergirl. She seemed to be off-camera a heck of a lot this episode.

Thank you for your thoughtful response.

Personally, I love "The Little Mermaid." I also think "The Lion King" is very good.

Enjoyed this article. I found the 1976 "King Kong" tedious. Can't imagine how dreadful this one would be to sit through.

As the article says, the 1946 Cocteau-directed version is sublime.

One thing I've been interested in is Alfred Hitchcock's TV career.

They're bringing back "Quantum Leap" and not giving him a cameo role in it.

I recommend "Scream, Blacula, Scream" for blaxploitation. It's a pretty good vampire film, and it has Pam Grier.

I avoided "Yes, Giorgio" when it came out. I was in college then, and I remember one girl I knew went to see the movie and said it was so lousy that she and her date started singing and then danced their way out of the theater.

I should have said automatics.