
I thought "Last Man Standing" was just preposterous. I have seen "Yojimbo" but just substituting guns for swords was a bad idea.

I guess that's the Scorsese film that time forgot.

After the opening scene of "Mystery of the Wax Museum," I find the film runs out of gas. It has way too many characters. I much prefer "House of Wax."

"Dr. X" is a terrific movie. It even has a wise-cracking reporter (Lee Tracy) who is actually funny and not obnoxious. Fay Wray is very good as well.

"Public Enemies" was such a great book, and the movie was such a dud, to me.

I really love "Heat." The action scenes, particularly the bank robbery, are first rate. It is my favorite Michael Mann movie. Heck, it may be the only Michael Mann movie that I like.

It has been years since I thought of the remake of "Kiss of Death."

I thought this was a very good, very enjoyable episode.

I still remember the hoopla about "Fatal Attraction" and how people were telling me it was the scariest movie of all time.

Sad news.

My favorite line last night, one that made me whoop with laughter — Radcliffe's "You pulled me out of a great conversation on pre-"Weekend" Goddard."

I saw "The Moderns" and liked that one a lot.

Yes! Wasn't that a great scene, and wasn't it sneaky how they worked the "X" into that?

Hey, I am so glad to finally find someone who thinks the 1932 "Scarface" is better than the DePalma version, and who likes "Carlito's Way" better than DePalma's "Scarface." Are we related somehow?

Really? "Speed" and "True Lies" came out in the same year? That doesn't seem possible to me.

I thought this was the weakest of the LMD episodes. Maybe I missed May. Maybe I never really cared about the Inhumans, and I was sort of glad the show had been avoiding them, only to find they are back in full force.

Always happy to see "Near Dark" get mentioned. It is a terrific movie.

I really liked this episode. I've liked them all since the winter hiatus, but this one seemed to be the best constructed episode. (Last week's just felt like there was a missing scene someplace.)

I certainly hope so. I've been waiting for this movie for over a year, and I hope it's a delight.

My thought exactly. I haven't encountered a single person who liked "World War Z" Everyone says the book was better and the movie was a missed opportunity.