Mike Bitter

Wasn't Samuel Jackson Stacks??

Very cool analogy. I could imagine you leaving a tip in the jar, as if that would make up for all the bad shit that you've done. You sit down facing the window to see who's is coming and going and take a bite of the burrito, the first solid food you have had in a 2 day paranoid Coke Binge.. Just when you start to

This guy doesn't like Darabont, but spends his time playing childish video games. Have you ever held or fired a gun in your life? Your avatar should be Ms. Pac Man, dude.

"Here's Your Cheese, Lady." I encourage people to ignore this review and watch for themselves to see the quality of this program..I have wathced the first 4 hours. It is excellent.

I love the little touches in the series like the really cool shot of City Hall halfway built in the background. The line where Knepper tells the rude lady is priceless and cool.

Very Cool review! Thank you for bringing this film to my attention.

The one song is from the Tom Tom Club called "Genius of Love." It was featured in the great Talking Heads Concert film, Stop Making Sense.

Why is Mac's (Murtaugh) chest hair in the form of a triangle? The two other guys in the volleyball scene did a great job being funny, without a line of dialogue. "Let's hit the showers,Bloaks!"

Fascinating, excellent article. Well done.

I agree.I also thought trying to be edgy and adding a final scene on the train to Auschwitz was a bit of a downer. The kids sang great in the boxcar, but it just seemed like the scene was forced.

Very Good Review. I would give more credit to Underwood, but she does need to work on her acting. The sets were beautiful and Audra McDonald was breathtaking

“White hats, black hats, That’s what they always wore in the old westerns we watched growing up, so we could tell the good guys from the bad guys. … Most of us have to make do somewhere in the middle.. …We live in a world of gray hats.” This is a sample of the edgy, great dialogue.

I agree about the title. It also can be confused with the other Mob drama "Magic City." I have never heard Los Angeles referred to as Mob City, because it has always been considered an open city, not run by any particular Mob family. The poor title choice probably caused them some viewers.

First off, the 2 episode, 2 hour premiere had way too many commercials. That being said, I thought it was excellent, and deserved a Grade of B+ or better! This review is not credible in my eyes. It is far more original, stylish, and compelling then a Season 8 Episode of The X Files, which the writer of this review

I am sure many people were tasting gun metal after watching the end of Grown Ups.

I compliment the writer for their expert knowledge of cinema. I haven't seen most of the films on the list, but those I have clearly qualify for such a list. My only complaint is that he is too harsh on Nic Cage, who recently made Bad Lieutenant, Port of Call, which was a fine performance, and I thought better then

Is all the chemical they put into condoms bad for the fish? Did anyone else notice the "To Wong Foo," movie poster on the wall?

I wonder what they did with all the UNUSED condom's?

Hopefully it would end with Feldman and Cameron sitting across from each other wearing Red bandana's ala Christopher Walken and Robert DeNiro in the Deer Hunter.

People are not allowed to disagree with your wisdom? Does a "legitimate" news source allow products to be marketed without clearly being identified as ads.( Many celebrities hawk crap on their feeds and don't tell people they are getting paid.) Have you taken a journalism course? You are definitely entitled to your