Mike Bitter

I did not realize that he had a kid. I can totally see sleep deprivation. Thanks for the clarification.

I agree. It does not take that many tweets to make a point. Mildly funny, but not edgy. Anyone on twitter by definition, is usually not edgy.

It reads like someone was VERY HIGH, and mildly funny.

Here are my favorite lines from the sequel:
"Yippee  Ki Yay Shark"
"Just When I thought I Was Out, the Sharks Pull Me Back In!"
"I never liked Seafood!"
"I want to lose my virginity to you, before I end up in a shark stool!"
"Sharks, I'd like you to meet my friends..The Dolphins!"

Bill Clinton and his Daughter Chelsea were in Africa this week. When was the last time Hannity went on a humanitarian trip there?

Kelly Bundy. I didn't have a crush on her, I wanted to bang the checkout of the hot slut. I lost my virginity to a girl who looked alot like Blair on the Facts of Life.She was about the same age, pretty face, long blonde hair, except bustier.

I thought Get in the Cage was hilarious! "They call him "the fixer," because he solves problems."
I also loved the anniversary party sketch. "I like you to alot! I'm  having what you call a soft swing. That means you can stay with your partner, or swing around…but no condoms!"  "I should clarify that I live above the