Mike Birtwistle

**comes crashing through the walls**

I lost my pastry zen about a year ago. It used be my thing.

I you select a cell and type 5318008 in a cell and press enter and then turn your monitor upside down, you become a childish

England Rugby use the following

I will never understand why RSS hasn’t become a technology that the entire world can’t live without. Sure I get up to the minute news from twitter but for magazine sites like Lifehacker and io9 it’s invaluable.

Just like the picture. Bit of a surf, bit of a sip of water, sometimes a bad dance.

18 plus month wait for a Hyundai Kona Electric or similar in the UK. Which is really holding back adoption. I would have one now if they were available

Very much agree on the form / injury one. Number of times I’ve had that ‘ur not benching deep enough 2 get swol, bro’. Yeah well if you had my shoulder you’d not bench deep either.

A woman once told me she’d never heard of mansplaining.

I’ve been to two meetings about the system for the recording of staff’s flu shots. (we’re in a healthcare setting, so, whilst not mandatory, it's strongly urged) 

Who gets the arm rest?

I saw a woman yesterday using her headscarf to hold her phone so she could have a hands free conversation whilst on a treadmill. It was such an awesome 'life hack' I think she gets a pass

When someone offers unsolicited (mostly bad) advice is there a polite way to them to mind their own business? 

What did you expect? Herds of wildebeast sweeping majestically across the plane? 

And this is why I wrote my own app

Ah, yes. I think I'm going to be so bad and uncoordinated at skipping I've never even tried


Swiss cheese!

Doing the straight leg letter Ls seems so easy when I see other people do it! But I struggle so much. That's my challenge for March! 

I’m getting the Lannister trainers on hire purchase