Where's Firefly?
Where's Firefly?
Wasn't it Skye who loaded the hard drive?
Wasn't it made clear that it was Hand that sent the drones after Garrett?
Damnit Skye! Great job giving Ward the hard drive with all of your team's important information.
If I remember correctly, Tyrese yelled they were going the wrong way because they weren't going towards the buses. I'm questioning whether they had a rendezvous point outside of the prison.
I agree that Michonne was avoiding everyone. That's why I didn't mention her. But the showed seemed to pick up immediately after the battle, not some time later. And if there was a time jump, I would imagine the rendezvous would come up between Rick and Carl in conversation. Maybe not, though.
Did no one else find it strange that no one planned a rendezvous point in case the shit hit the fan? I mean, they had to realize there was a pretty significant chance that the prison would be destroyed if the Governor rejected Rick's offer. You'd think that would have made them think of a place to meet up.
You're the worst.
"She's on a flip phone, Jess. She's either poor or a time traveler."