Mike Bevel

I have read that article probably 5 times — it's almost literally my Torah and I will recite a portion of it at my late-in-life bar mitzvah.

Ta da!

Well, bright side is that there's more pizza for me.

There's no chance you live in the D.C. area and what to come watch The Young Pope on Wednesdays with my friends? Hi, I'm a stranger on the Internet, but I also have cats. All you say here, regarding both the tenor of the recaps (they're not really reviews, right?) and the associated podcast are powerfully true.

1) That teacher is a bad teacher

Oh, bstewart.

I think it's, "Don't just stand there let's get to it."

But his worst play is the rapey Two Gentlemen of Verona, no?

"Take a lesson from Janis and show some self-control."

Yep! It was "Uncle Vanya." (Would have been smarter if it had been "Ivanov" — which actually has a gun.)

But what about this idea? We get Scott Glenn to play Robert "The Jinx" Durst, but Gilbert Godttried will dub all the dialogue in post.

VERY excited about your comedy jazz album where you deconstruct jokes and make no sense.

Oof — that's my least favorite Collins. That husband is just the goddamned worst, and I just wanted the titular Lady to cut bait and open a detective agency.

"Will you take off all your clothes—"

"What is The Leftovers trying to do?"

"I realize that by simply disappearing without explanation, the Departed in this show would cause a different reaction than loss through natural disaster or war, but I have a hard time believing that so many people/groups would be scarred much worse than in a natural loss."

I don't know — death is often a catalyst for Victorian sentimentality. Little Nell, one of those little women, Jane Eyre's friend with the cough.

There's a moment in Wolf Hall where Cromwell learns that there are rumors his mentor tried to give the king the "French pox" by whispering in his ear. Cromwell wonders who could create such a lie? And who could repeat it? Why is it believed? Isn't it patently ridiculous?

That's a complicated question.