Why aren’t these called Alt-Facts along the lines of Alt-Right?
Why aren’t these called Alt-Facts along the lines of Alt-Right?
Contemporary sociologists trace the origin of the phrase “alternate facts” back to the 2015, the year that the Super Bowl champion Carolina Panthers became the first team in NFL history to go undefeated.
James Harden is a yyyyuuuuggggeeee defensive player of the year candidate.
I don’t know enough about Mike D’Antoni to really make any other jokes about him.
Fuck Sean Spicer with a rusty civil war era saber though.
Holy fuck! The world is burning down and you jerks are arguing about this shit.
Fuck that. If you voted for a racist pig, then you ARE a racist pig.
Not every Trump voter is a racist, a xenophobe, a homophobe, a bigot, or a Toby Keith fan. But every Trump voter decided to cast a ballot for one. So fuck them all.
Right, Trump happened because people on the left said things that hurt the feelings of people on the right.
Thank God the right never catogorizes people in broad brushstrokes.
You are a judgmental condescending prick - how “intelligent” and “liberal” of you categorizing “white America” as rednecks and “Toby Keith”
I can’t wait for the Mark Wahlberg film.
He’ll receive two paychecks because he also drives the team bus.
Held without bail? He’s a fawckun’ political prisoner!
My first thought was “THAT is an NFL GM?”
+1 suitcase full of pills.*
Irsay: “There were really just too many bumps to ignore here.”
If he kept his private life private we wouldn’t know he likes to give big slobbery blowjobs to wannabe fascists, now would we?
I think it’s less picking them on political affiliation and more being disappointed when the affiliation is linked to support of a particularly terrible human being.
It’s kind of a double-entendre, because Trump’s policies are indeed quite likely to “fuck the patriots*” provided you define “patriots” as “easily duped rubes who drape themselves in the flag but consistently vote against basic American principles and their own self-interest in the name of ‘patriotism’.”
Nobody would care about Boogie’s/Rondo’s antics if they were winning all the time.