“I asked a question, and someone answered! Punish them! I conceded and they let me! Punish them!”
“I asked a question, and someone answered! Punish them! I conceded and they let me! Punish them!”
I don’t like Tom Brady, you don’t like Tom Brady.
Take solace in this. Trump reportedly left his own party in the 3rd quarter because he was unhappy. He only saw the Patriots losing, and as soon as he left the Patriots turned it on.
Bernie would’ve won.
I don’t know how the Patriots did it. But there I was, cheering for them like the Russians cheering for Rocky at the end of Rocky IV.
2017 was supposed to be different.
I appreciate you claiming your take, but I’m gonna have to disagree. Not that McCarthy can’t be funny, or sometimes hilarious, but top 5........nah
Specially, T.O. was always killing my team in crazy/amazing ways. None of those players you mentioned do that. But I guess I don’t really miss that aspect of his career.
Allow? It should be mandatory Monday-Thursday.
I’m sick of these entitled thugs. Where is the leadership in their community? Where are the fathers to teach them humility and grace?
No, but this bill does not affect the superstar athletes. They will have insurance. Any of them should have disability but that tops out at about $25k/month. Not bad, especially if you pay it yourself and the benefits are tax free, but not what a superstar athlete can earn. So they frequently take out special, short…
employers pay the disability, that’s why the owners are pushing for the bill
Because their injuries are due to their job duties and if those injuries preclude you from making money you should be paid? Also, most jurisdictions have a statutory limit on the amount you are able to get paid. Also, the players would be getting medical benefits as opposed to wage benefits.
I look forward to checking these comments later, and seeing how many people have rightfully called you out for how dumb this is.
“Trump Trash”
Also consider that say, Robert Kraft (Pats owner) does everything he can to shovel money to his star players outside the cap, bending the rules as much as possible, to get stars to stay on below-market salaries. For example, Tom Brady’s fitness company leases office space from Kraft, rumored to be at pennies on the…
Athletes may not work as an athlete until they are 67, but a severe injury leading to disability can hinder their ability to work for the rest of their lives. That’s why the argument for the bill is complete and utter bullshit, and would ultimately cost the public huge sums of money (assuming Trump doesn’t dismantle…
The guy did his time, seems remorseful, has been an advocate against dog fighting, and a good citizen. He’s paid for his sins, what more do you want?
Those numbers aren’t great or anything, but if I were a Vikings fan I’d rather have Vick on a one year deal than trade a 1st and 4th for Sam Bradford. And that isn’t even a hindsight is 20/20 situation, that trade was stupid in real time.