
True story - we didn’t have doors on stall in high school. A handful of students a decade before wrote on the walls of the stalls. The principal removed the doors then and wouldn’t put them back on. She also removed pad/tampon dispensers because they would get stuck in the machine and the ladies would try to coax them

But what about Desmond?

Suk Mi Wang

I’ve been reading “A People’s History of the United States” by Howard Zinn lately. Paul’s behavior in Japan reminds me a lot of Columbus’s behavior when he “found” Cuba.

Bred, born, raised, and currently residing in MN. I saw a few billboards for the Minnesota Style last summer and replied, “What the shit is that?” Most of our non chain restaurants serve with the square cut.

In my Fortnite rando team up squad experience, its usually ended with me being shot by team mates, followed by them dancing over my dead body. Is friendly fire still a thing in the 50 vs 50?

As funny as this is, I had a friend in college lop off part of his ring finger playing musical chairs. Those hinges aren’t sharp but will act like a scissors when they close.

Followup question: Can Trump recite the pledge of allegiance?