
Good luck!

All I got from the piece is that gays can be dicks too.

I do not like them Samiam.

That’s definitely a risk but OTOH the American electorate isn’t necessarily represented by online commentary. I’d like to think that there are folks who don’t engage on the net and can still put 2 and 2 together. I’m more persuaded by the proposition that giving him a pass impeachment wise sets a bad precedent. He’s

500 Days of Kristin was Peak Internet as far as I’m concerned. It’s all been downhill since then.

Long Live Jigglypuff

Well, I have thought about running for President but if Senator Bennett enters the race then I’m out.

It seems to me that the word everyone is twisted about is “allegiance.” A tradition does exist of identifying Jews as having dual loyalties and so I understand why some folks might be upset, although I understand what the congresswoman was saying. I think it’s incumbent on all good-hearted people to avoid the use of

Everyone knows that Manitoba is just rude.

Wow. Just wow.

Also very good in a McBain voice.

To the barricades!

We can’t vote by mail cause we don’t know where the post office is!


I’m a socialist myself but I’m pragmatic enough to accept a market economy provided the state is effective enough to support and empower those who need assistance. I love Bernie but he’s almost ancient, not that Warren is a spring chicken herself but I’d be happy and would support either.

After 500 Days of Kristen ended I figured, what’s the point of commenting anywhere?

I was sure it was a joke. Still funny of course.

best comment ever