
actually, everywhere Rick isn’t , people are managing the Zombie Apocalypse just fine.

A broad, and stupid phrase like “morality holds progress back” demonstrates little more than ignorance, arogance, and other words that end in “ance”


I’ve said enough about Bethesda already, my feelings on them I think are abundantly clear.

You mean the dull boring cookie cutter settings they rip off from other people? The dull worlds full of ugly cookie cutter visuals? You MUST be falling in love with that, because you certainly aren’t falling in love with the clunky, clumsy, boring, and incredibly clumsy gameplay.

Right! When the headline said expensive I was expecting 40 or 50 bucks. But, 15? i would pay that to be able to finish San Andreas. Seen as how i upgraded and got rid of my PS2 before I did.

Yes cause they should totally uprender games, add FULL trophy support and then sell it to you for 3 bucks....Fucking entitled idiots I swear...

Honestly, the shear amount of dialog in Fallout 2 meant that you would, somewhat regularly, say shit you did not mean to say. And unlike Fallout 4 where the outcome of the wrong choice is usually the dialog simply sounding a little different, Fallout 2 liked to start fights. A lot.

There was an entire perk dedicated to

Well there goes my biggest pre-release gripe about Fallout 4. All that’s left is to wait for a significant discount and for the game to be patched up.

No dummy, it’s residual radioactive material that condenses in the atmosphere after a nuclear detonation.

wow goku looks weird here what super saiyan level is this

When the Super Bowl ends, the results are instantly broadcast on the front pages of thousands of websites around the world. The same goes for any other popular sporting event. Here’s a pro tip for eSports fans that get annoyed that websites like Kotaku “spoil” pro eSports events as they happen: stay off the internet

... ... ...that’s like complaining that the monday newspaper puts the football scores in the paper before you watch the recording you made of it sunday.

I mean, it’s definitely censorship. These costumes were clearly integral to the narrative arc and thematic undercurrents of the game. Removing them compromises their artistic statement and the message contained within them. How am I even supposed to get scared now?

Bless this beautiful person

that’s a lot for a remake of a NES game

This is absolutely the correct reaction.

I read every one of these - and there were definitely some gems - but I just flat-out can’t get over putting jelly on pizza, let alone asking for it like it’s not completely insane.

Worst nightmare realized. NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NO THANK YOU

Another difference is that Colbert is actually funny.