
Cue the “hardcore” complainers in 3.... 2.... 1....

I was there, the prompters were off. Stewart didn’t know he was gonna do that.

If anyone ever feels the need to give Peter Molyneux money for a game title in the future, please consider some of these alternatives:

It looks like Persona and TWEWY had a baby that was raised by Anime Trash.

Errr, the thing about wood frame houses is total crap. I guess none of these people live in the Western United States. Out here in Colorado we have numerous old log cabins and wooden houses left over from the early 1800s. Admittedly you wouldn’t want to live in some of them, but they are definitely still standing. Old

I was thinking about making fondue with cheddar cheese for dinner tonight.

I mean fondue the cheddar.

I’m gonna go fondle my sweaters.

“Miyamoto’s got a Muppet? May as well nickname it Other M!”

Dude... sounds like you need to just let it go.

Can we stop using “we” as though we all want the same thing? I didn’t are about Paper Mario or Xenoblade. I wasn’t expecting a new 3D Mario or any more Mario games for a while. Barely anyone cares about F-Zero and the proof of that isn’t only in these comment sections but also in the sales of past games after the

We wanted a Paper Mario, got Mario and Luigi.

Well Zelda techincally has all the makings of an RPG.

Can you imagine the shitstorm that would have happened if the internet in 2001, when Nintendo first showed Wind Waker, was like the internet of today?

I know, right? Metroid as a FPS? What were they thinking!?!

You do realize if they did listen to their “fans” we would’ve never gotten some of their best games, Metroid Prime for example.

there was nothing interesting for me coming from nintendo this year for sure but those puppets are amazing!

peel with it.

> “I am excited for this game. Where can I buy it?”

Yeah. If you played the first one and liked it this one will most definitely be worth your time. I can get where he’s coming from, but I know he’s wrong on it and that’s a fact regardless. :P