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Consumption of chemicals in food has also gone up. So has the number of hours kids spend playing video games. So has eating organic foods.

1983: Oprah's Net Worth: $27,000

Not really. The Nolan films are horrid. It's like they took a rather good action movie and randomly threw Batman in there. He doesn't fit into the world they created and he's silly and cartoony in the films, even more so than Batman & Robin.

The Gone Home devs' follow up game should focus on a men's rights activist struggling to come to terms with having his opinions validated less and less frequently. Also he's magically switched bodies with his hamster.

$80 for a PS2? I guess this is why I like living in the South in cities that are large enough to have variety, but small enough to not price you out. PS2's here are usually $12-20 where I live.

I know it's incredibly unlikely to happen, but if Nintendo games became available on Steam I would become exceptionally poor in a hilariously short amount of time.

Impossible. Nintendo is always doomed. Always.

Items don't get much attention from the Smash community, since they're left out of the competitive game entirely. Nintendo considers them so essential to Mario Kart, meanwhile, that the developers have repeatedly denied fans' requests to make a "no items" mode for that game. It will be interesting to see how the

No way, it means more potential Blackulas for Jefferson Twilight to hunt. New York is prime Blackula country. With absolute certainty we are going to get more Brown Widow action. I'm pumped.

Don't be a jerk. Why don't you sell it to a Kotaku reader for $200 instead?

No. Don't be an asshole.


I said I'd wait until there was a Zelda version.

Said every homophobic twit ever.

I concur; at least in my opinion, Nintendo's got the platform to buy this year (every non-Wii U game I've been interested in has been available on PC, so I don't think I'm going to have a reason to get a PS4/One until the new Final Fantasy comes out). I haven't been able to stop playing my Wii U since I got it back in

Necessary context for other readers: Entire sectors of the economy are dedicated to guessing what thepayne78 wants.

Damn you missed out on a lot of great games. Like, a lot a lot a lot.

Wasn't the Wii the best selling console last generation?

Woodcutter, as I started with the base raw materials jobs (woodcutter, miner, fisherman) before moving on to builder jobs (carpenter, tailor). Currently a chef, then need to do blacksmithing and alchemy. I'll finish with the fighting jobs. Once I hit novice, I switch. I want to be able to go back and forth as I please

This - and a scene with her and her daughters.