
Jesus Christ on a cracker.

Leigh Alexander wasn't talking about you. Hell, she wasn't talking about me (the cis-gendered heteroish white male in our current back and forth).

She was talking about the cesspool of self-obsessed child rapists that have come to dominate "gamer culture" - basement dwelling Hot Pocket


My conclusion based on that image is not ill-founded. It looks ridiculous. Like a Sansa mp3 player from 4 years ago.

This is a whole different can of worms, but no, if a male indie developer's ex-girlfriend posted on Tumblr about him cheating on her, that would probably not be a story on Kotaku. I wouldn't consider either of those people to be public figures in the video game industry.

Female Designer, you know what you need to do now: Pink suit. Green hair. Justin Bailey mode.

Funny how genderbent kratos has MORE clothing than the regular kratos.

Real talk: I would pledge allegiance to Darth Colbert

omg nintendo pls

Man, if you like video games, you should really own a 3DS.

I honestly didn't feel that way at all, but keep in mind I grew up with the NES, so my opinion of what makes a game "tough" is colored by endless childhood afternoons playing Faxanadu and Battletoads.

You are on the mark. How many articles have we seen about how many games people have that they have never played once, all because the did an impulse purchase of a bundle?

I was a 38'er up in RI. We too went to the auction. Saw my son's toys and a carseat I left behind in a box that someone bought for 12 bucks. One ray of hope: we were able to get a coconut head that was in the office, and bring it to it's rightful owner on the west coast.

It would be pretty awesome if they use Primal Reversion on some of the Fossil Pokemon to basically reveal what they looked like before they were fossils. (Step 1: Removing the Rock Type)

Fantastic! Heading over to Firaxis later.

Two genders?! Gender neutral clothing?!?

I worked at BHG, and there was some art I wanted to take, but felt it I should leave it for the art people that actually made it. Later I heard it was thrown out. There were piles of sodas, however, as well as orange juice I had with every breakfast. I took them home by the bag full.

Another Blast Corps, assuming Rare doesn't own the rights.

I didn't even think she looked bad or anything. That just gave FemShep an air of utter badass who takes no bullshit from anyone. I think it worked.

Are we finally getting Laser Squid Nemesis?