
Easily more entertaining than anything at E3.

Pink GBA SP is the best, it has a backlit screen.

I have to admit that I've complained just as much as everybody else about Nintendo and their mistakes with the Wii U. But things like this make me remember that they are one of the good guys in this industry. Thank you Nintendo!

If they keep playing that music, they'll probably GET some, ifyaknowwhatimean.

Probably. Similar thing happened with the Gamecube component cables. I found one mis-marked for 25 bucks. Suck it ebay!

As someone who has been playing various tabletop rpg's for the past 2 and a half years, I can vouch for this being the complete truth. Except there's not enough blood in this trailer, we like to start every session off with at least one animal sacrifice and a prayer to Satan our lord. Also M&M's feature a lot more in

Despite the fact that Mystic Quest is practically an insult towards the western audience's intelligence, I still love it. Because: MUSIC. That soundtrack was amazing and sounded so clear on the SNES. Those battle musics are all fantastic.

Wow, even Mystic Quest and Tactics got some love?

yea. you can't really say something stands the test of time visually if you're constantly updating those visuals. Some of the best console games don't need any modding whatsoever and still look great no matter how old they are

That's like saying a person only looks better with age but you only show people who have had plastic surgery

"When you start up a retro game on an old-school console, what you play will typically look antiquated"

Last time I got into a fight with my roommate is was 22 years of pent-up Mario Kart frustration in 2 minutes.

Vivi is the only character worth caring about.

No, you have the best problem. There is no such thing as "too much SMB3."

I'm pretty sure that what's actually going on here is that Snake was indoctrinated by the Reapers, after getting plugged into the Matrix, inside his dream, inside Kojima's dream.

*sees X* *Squeals*

For Fun for me. Every time. Because I don't like being bored as shit while I'm playing one the funnest games in existence.

Saw X and wept like an idiot. I should've been aborted, I swear.

when was the last time ANYONE got a decent deal on trading in any kind of game.

I have nothing but praise for Iwata's integrity here. Really awesome and refreshing to see this kind of long-term perspective in the video games industry, when companies like SquareEnix are starting to embrace the quick payday of smartphone development. Nintendo has always tried to be a little different than the