
Galactica did the same thing. You hear things severely muffled but still hear them. A possible explanation is that you're hearing things from the character's perspective in both.

There was sound in Serenity. It sounded like it was under water.

Thats the sound of a hellgate being opened if I ever heard one.

Your post lacked comprehension.

Fair nuff.

Thats the point. They're different characters. Their motivations and the pivotal events that shaped them have been changed. And why in the hell do you bother adapting material if you don't what to tell the same story? The details can vary but you have to have some of the same events or it stops being what it claims to

You read it wrong.

No. I don't expect the comic to be on screen. I expect the story to be on the screen. Nolan's Batman was pretty well received in spite of taking some major liberties with the details but it was pretty true to the character of Bruce Wayne. Imagine if his version had Bruce Wayne's dad die of a heart attack and his

Our problem isn't that it deviates from the source material its that it altogether ignores or massively tones down the most important and shocking events of the comic.

Its so frustrating not being able to run my fingers between the first cats ears and down its neck through the screen.

There was a comic that served as a prequel and a video game but I heard the game wasn't great.

Walt was always a self-centered, deceitful and prideful person.

No. It didn't. High heels started as a status symbol for wealthy men. Then men stopped wearing it because it became so common with women and the lower classes it stopped being a status symbol.

I have a mental condition (OCD and possibly depression) and what you just said was pretty ignorant. Generally they're more than just idiosyncrasies and they don't often get completely resolved, you just get trained how to cope better .

The movie is set in 2025 I doubt Russia is communist in it.

I doubt it makes them any more or less advanced, they just had 3 pilots meaning they could use another arm.

According to the wiki there were a LOT more Jagers that had been either destroyed or retired by the time the story started.

I'm not fashionable either (I sit here in a t-shirt jeans and the same hair cut I've had for 8 years). I'm just eager to please.

Men and other women don't get to dictate what I wear or how I should feel comfortable.

It looks like some sort of mutated pig fetus.