
As a dude I completely agree with this. I rarely even notice what's on a girl's feet but a smile from a pretty girl is enough to give me an infarction.

I'll take a Defiant class thank you very much. She's so small and fragile yet so strong. Its really sexy.

Respectfully, the show is called "Breaking Bad" not "always a douche but much more overtly douchey than before"

I thought the clones died due to power failure.

I remember seeing a special on life in Afghanistan pre-Enduring Freedom and one of the things it showed was that some women broke the law and applied makeup and painted their nails under their burkas.

Cheating on her partner, aiding and abetting a drug trafficker, refusing to give a statement that might lead to his capture, and discouraging him from turning himself in makes her an asshole.

Because you're either gonna get shot in the face for stealing their equipment it what amounts to the middle of a war or the bases are going to be crawling with the undead.

I also feel like He's confusing reality with the mundane. There are a lot of sim games that are pretty damn real. But because most people don't run close air support missions in their a-10 and a lot of people have troubled siblings somehow the latter gets tagged as "reality" and the other as "escapism".

The context is the developers apparently couldn't bother to spend 5 minutes looking up an Army appearance & Grooming standards manual.

Am I the only one who expected this game to deal with the psychological effects of military service in some way? After all, It was 1995 and we were involved Bosnia. I figured she may have witnessed the aftermath of ethnic cleansings and come home unable to shake the memory of what she saw.

It does not require that you actually lived the time period, but rather just understanding what the past represented

Saints Row 2 was downright dark at times. I really miss it.

I was born 1987 and I don't long for any of that crap. This is the future. Its better. I don't wanna go back. If I could be born in 2007 I would.

What are the odds of a xenomorph nest being in there? 70%?

Or vomit. I could see that happening easily.

I was just using it as an example of a regret someone might have from high school I didn't really think into the ethics of it. I'd probably have a similar reaction if I though about it a little more. Although your commenting of this made me think of other scenarios.

Part of the problem here is

If thats true then why aren't our lives better?

I'd do everything differently so it doesn't matter.

Faith in humanity restored. Thank you rul.