
I just wanna go on the record and say OCD doesn't always manifest itself the way the media shows it. I was convinced I was a latent pedophile for 18 months. Other people worry about their sexuality, or that they might harm someone physically (pedophile ocd is a subset of harm ocd), or that they don't love their

All I want to know where on this thing's body its brain is located and how impact resistant its casing is.

I know (broadstrokes) the background of the picture. Its South Korea and the Koreans in U.S. Army uniforms are KATUSA's. I understand that the two militaries work closely together. I just think of all the beautiful hi-res images of the US military floating around this was an odd choice.

Strange to see a picture mostly Koreans used in an article about the U.S. Military.

I wont be satisfied until I check into the Red Planet Hotel.

That is quite possibly one of the top 5 if not the most ridiculous requests I've ever heard. You're having a debate on an internet forum, which you had a major hand in initiating and now you're indignant that someone would use the internet to criticize you? Would you really prefer he trace your ip and buy a plane

I certainly don't like thinking if its about the government forcibly inspecting and rearranging my reproductive organs.

He's a member of a terrorist organization while the other two are enlisted in national militaries. As far as I know, al queda has never issued a class a uniform.

This is supposed to go the other way with the flash on the right.

Why does the Major look younger? That doesn't make any sense. She has a prosthetic body.

*stopped hassling* sorry.

He makes it sound like I have some sort of alternative lifestyle and I'd just be okay if the squares in society kept hassling me.

I when I read it (In 2008 no less) I thought the only things that really aged the book were the references to the cold war.

You can get past some of the dinosaur related inaccuracies when you remember the conversation (in the book) about how they were created as a best guess rather than being a true representation of dinosaurs.

So many possibilities for that.

That whole movie I was wondering where the hell the redneck got an hk mp7.

I know. People like that exist and people who have an interest in weapons are sometimes viewed that way as well. Its not an image you'd think the NRA would want to embrace.

Their our worst enemy right now. When people think of gun owners they think of NRA level crazy.

I also thought those characters were very much a parody of how some gun enthusiasts act or are perceived as acting.

I'm a gun guy and that was really retarded. I don't think NRA is doing me any favors either.