
We assign agency to humans too. If I get attacked by a bear the bears just being a bear. If I get attacked by Dave then its because Dave's an a-hole who chose to attack me.

We're not all retarded down here thankfully.

I dunno but whatever way the driver sits it is it still looks backwards to me.

In related news I'm currently in the market for a 40mm grenade launcher to go with the hk-416 I just purchased. I wouldn't mind another source for armor piercing ammunition either. My guy only had 5000 rounds.

I always figured the assassins were clones as well. IIRC the suits say they were diverted from an aborted Jupiter mission and it only takes them a matter of hours to arrive. I don't think space travel is very cheap or common in the Moon universe. Otherwise they would have just said "Oh yeah, we'll send a repair team

Whenever I saw the human characters or learned about the avatar version of earth I thought about how I was missing out on a much better movie.

The use of personal lasers in combat by the reptilian confederation is completely ahistorical . While prototypes were developed they were deemed to heavy for infantry use and offered no real advantage over the Gauss rifles that had already in use for decades.

I always thought Earthforce had its crap together. They're not the most advanced but they're heavily armed, disciplined, and know up is a direction.

You don't pay taxes to only protect yourself. You pay them for benefit of the whole nation (or county, county or state or whatever jurisdiction you fall under.). The tax dollars you pay might one day wind up in AR the tactical officer uses to rescue you from a hostage situation. They may also wind up buying the gas to

Or worse. NOT die from them.

I'm not gonna say we shouldn't go into space (its actually the polar opposite of what I believe) but I can't help but think about how much its against the natural order of things for us to be there. We were designed by the Earth's ecosystem to survive here. The Earth has all these self correcting systems to sustain

the idea of some poor schmuck's brain floating around out there possibly conscious and without control over its own trajectory scares the hell outta me.

Same here sadly. I loved everything else about that show but the ending (an needing love to make a baby wtf?).

I would very much like to see an alternate timeline. The ending it had was so asinine it made me retroactively hate the series.

The thing thats really scary about space to me isn't so much the dying part its the possibly floating around forever (although this movie is in orbit so thats unlikely) with noone finding your body part.

When I saw this trailer I had the terrifying thought about how often fiction seems to predict a disaster shortly before it occurs.

There may be some people who are just opportunists. But I think with a lot of of rapists they're just doing it for the rape. Its what gets them off. I read a book (What Cops know by Connie Fletcher) where a handsome professional guy got nabbed on rape and gets off because the jury didn't believe he was the type of of

I had the thought that since the the f-35 is near the beginning of its service life, and I think the military is projecting its replacement (they could easily scrap or change the replacement program by that time) in roughly 2025 to 2030 so it could realistically be two or more decades in the future. I guess things

Is it bad that I think that living in blade runner sounds awesome?