stop being a pussy
stop being a pussy
first they rip off off iOS and now WP7.
bingo. the reason people use dslr for videos is the sweet glass options you have.
my cal 3 professor was an idiot, well not really but i dont think he tough me anything, I'd much rather ask my DE and LA professor.
yeah, i get all that, and that all I've been finding on the net, but i guess i need it in how it relates to matrix structural analysis.
DVR, i will switch to boxee when i get DVR...
just unplug the keyboard
Can someone explain to me the difference between linear, first -order; linear, second-order; non-linear, first order and non-linear, second order.
i never understood why people force themselves to drink more than they have to, your body does a pretty good of letting you know when its needs water.
fucking advertisers
especially if you have granite counters.
really no one criticized you? i got berated for saying we didn't need a tutorial on what foods need to be refrigerated..
i love p90x and i have been doing it off and one for 2 years, never all the way through becuase its not the hour a day its the 6 days a week.
what about wp7? oh wait, we already have it...
really we need a tutorial on what item to refrigerate? if you buy it in the refrigerator isle leave it refrigerated. if the label says refrigerate after opening, refrigerate it.
seems like a solid upgrade for an ipad. not so much for a iphone.
hmm, so the wdlive with its local playback still trumps the roku? no HBO Go, but who cares, it will play torrents FTW!
unless you have a large display over 50" chances are you cant tell the difference anyway.
seriously? this is just f—ked up.
i see your point and i agree the stores are making out, but really, it costs $60 a year to print cards and maintain computers that are already in place, its just extra code to handle the transactions.