Kinja Support Team

Every book comes with a free bag of sour grapes.

A whole article around a typo. I used to joke about Trump and his administration a lot, but it just seems people are getting desperate and now just nitpicking. What next, are we pick on how he likes steak? I think the Kinja switch broke my sense humor and I am just not able to see how it is funny anymore. I think, I’m

You will not put Harriet Tubman on the bill? RACIST! How dare you do this? You evil bigot monsters. What? You disagree? You racist! What kind of evil are you? You probably would love to own slaves. RRRRAAAACCIIISSSTTTTT!

Bring back The Tony Danza Show instead of a Megyn Kelly show

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Kathy Griffin trying to be a victim while scroll underneath informs about the thousands of people who need emergency accommodations. About sums up interview in a nutshell.

As Sean sees the situation as it’s okay to break into stores and steal food. Fuck the store owners. These people are fighting for their lives. Yes, they could have planned ahead of time and that’s an excuse. And yes the food technical is owned by the shop, but hey if the store owners will not give away, it must be

Joel Osteen is praying really hard.................that you have money before entering his church with your “hurricane issues”.

I watched what I thought was the fight. It turned out to be a movie called Poor Little White Boy. About the same ending as the fight.

Damn I missed it. Now I will never see it again. Or hear parts of any speeches. I really wish they would re-air it a couple of hundred times and people would post parts on their Facebook.

It’s funny how she will hug the President with his red cap and smile like they are best friends and then turn around a few months later and call him a horrible person. It’s almost like she doing this for attention. I wonder. I need to visit the lab on this.

This kind of destroys my whole world. Thank you Miami courts for ruining my life.

Please don’t