
IIRC, when some predictions didn't come true he starred talking about alternate timelines possibly created by his time travel.

I thought Dany's plan was great, just seems like it game together very quickly and easily. Her rescuers just happened to arrive at the right time when she was going on a bathroom break?

Well, in Spinal Tap they certainly played seriousness for huge laughs.

Such a gentleman

Dad? More like grandpas

Maybe they're world building and it's just an oversized cameo? I'm sure they could figure out a way to introduce Sayre in a smaller role without complete skipping over all that other stuff.

Yeah, really did not want Bob to be the bad guy. So many more great opportunities for Haysbert on the show.

Honkies gonna honk

Captain Trips!

Yeah the school stuff was very lacking. Ultimately I believed Jake and Sadie's relationship, but they just skipped a lot of it. Everything with Art and the school secretary was great but I still wanted more

"Sister, when I've raised hell, you'll know it" is such a great line and such a great read of a line.

People basically complain about everything, including complaining that people complain too much.

Based on the end of the episode it seems like h'll be back

Zouks needs to be a permanent addition to this show.

It's a standard length for a lot of Apatow movies also

I sure hope the AV Club dedicates as much time to the 2 hour and 31 minute length of Batman v. Superman as they do to the 2 hour and 26 minute length of Captain America: Civil War.

Is that because it's magic?

Unless you've seen the entire movies I don't think you can draw much. Eating shit and watching movies are not exactly the same thing. It's universally acknowledged, which scientific evidence, that eating shit is both unpleasant and bad for your health. You don't need to eat shit to know that, because science backs it

And yet the character has enjoyed a huge resurgence in recent history, because he's no longer campy and "fun"

You haven't seen either of the movies, therefore your opinion is null and void