Aquafaba Enthusiast

Does cat burglery count?

Have you ever tried to do an aerobic activity in leather?

Owwy kabootles indeed.

whether I had a life-threatening moment or not. Spoiler Alert: I did.

“will likely kill you”

Seeing as how I’m writing this, that can’t possibly be true.

This reminds me of the autonomous car debates where while the driver in the ‘autonomous’ car has agreed to the risks associated with using such a system, those around him haven’t.

This is gonna be a great pilot episode for my new show “Law and Order: Special Vehicles Unit.”

Ready for even more depressing news? KBB is typically way over inflated when it comes to trade in values so if you took it to a dealer, they will probably offer you a bit less than $5400.

Thanks, friend!

If you like it, who cares what it is worth?

Since the Camry driver was a minority, the police department will find him at fault.

What a shit world we live in when the guy who wasn’t at fault in that wreck thinks he needs to put his hands behind his head just so he doesn’t get shot.

question: if you need a Ford GT to get a new Ford GT does selling your existing Ford GT in order to pay for your new Ford GT after you get the letter saying you can buy the new Ford GT revoke your ability to purchase the new Ford GT since you are no longer in possession of the old Ford GT when you take delivery of the

You won’t believe what your favorite childhood celebs look like now!

The video was actually really informative. Way better than any set of pictures is. Thanks for answering the lighting forum debate of halogen vs. LED. Whether or not people agree with aftermarket lighting, this was a good comparison.

This is it, I think. When the housing’s designed around them it’s awesome.