Chairman Kaga

Of all the asshole corporations that exist in the universe, Warner Brothers/Discovery/Satan is the assholiest.

Wanted to watch the Parts Unknown Hawaii episode last night. We’d originally watched the show on CNN, so I started there, but couldn’t get ANY episodes to load. Quick search - it’s on HBO Max. Cool. We have that. Oops. They only have the first season for whatever reason? The reason? Discovery has another streaming

What sort of educator, at any level, would conduct this experiment and see 100% of their students “fail” and not have the intellectual curiosity to conclude, “That’s pretty fucking weird,” and not conduct further tests. Like upload your own original work, or some other unpublished piece, or even something famous (Hey

When you realize you can buy a 6-pack of the local boutique brewery hazy IPA for the same price as a single beer + tax and tip... Yeah. 

I work with mostly young millenaisl and Gen Z’ers. We usually eat lunch together in the break room and just talk. Topic yesterday was GoG 3 and MCU.

The trick to eating at home is to be creative with ingredients. Buy a whole head of cabbage, a bunch of carrots, some garlic, frozen veggies like peas and okra, potatoes and onions, a few pounds of dried beans, a whole chicken, and you have $50 of groceries but at least distinct family meals.

Sooo... Nintendo still knows how to release video games without cataclysmic sacrifices in quality or playability?

A) Affordability of the vehicles

Not if agreed to the terms in order to receive the payout, which he did. All he has to do to continue plying his trade is give back the money Fox paid him to not compete with them.

So this means they’re going into production without Gilroy being involved, or that they’re halting production until the strike is resolved? That wasn’t exactly clear.

If you have yet to notice, the United States of America is broken.

I’ve seen some AMAZING “natural” non-xeriscaped lawns that don’t require much maintenance. It’s all about native ground cover and keeping the weeds out. Which is STILL a major issue with xeriscaped lawns. I spend hours keeping the weeds and clover out of the decomposed granite, and making sure the sumac and ivy

This might be heresy, but I don’t find really top-tier racing to be all the great live. I’d rather watch F1 on TV.

Getting rid of our grass was the best decision ever. Other than a little patch by the screened-in porch, the entire 1/3 acre lot is xeriscaped - decomposed granite, mulch (mostly from the huge bed in the back where we dump all of the leaves form the cedar elms) and populated with regional plants that are super drought

There were a couple of local “gourmet” hot dog places in Austin 10 or so years ago - Man Bites Dog and Frank - that have both since closed up, as well as a few Weinerschnitzel locations that have also been bulldozed. The hot dog doesn’t have the cachet of a gourmet burger or the exclusivity of BBQ. There’s just no

2,000+ calories per order.

I have no point of reference for Carl’s. The only one in Austin that I’m aware of closed a few years ago. But Culver’s? That’s our destination fast food place, if we need a quick sit down meal before some school event or after martial arts tests, what have you.

I think the reality is, Star Wars - the original Star Wars - was truly so weird and original that no one, not even George Lucas, has been able to recapture the magic. We all (meaning lifelong fans if not necessarily general audiences) want someone to, and the first season of The Mandalorian was as close as we’ve

I truly hate how cavelike and claustrophobic modern car cabins are. What’s this obsession with shutting out all light and eliminating visibility? Why is this appealing?