Chairman Kaga

Precisely all of the above. Like any art that gains mass appeal, the people who were the “original fans” will become resentful, others will copy it, and capitalism will demand more of the same, but bigger and louder. Doesn’t matter if it’s David Bowie or Rembrandt. That’s just human nature.

Man, that’s not just DC. 

I wholeheartedly contend Star Wars was an art film. It was conceived as a single film in a larger series that the audience stumbles into during a Saturday afternoon matinee. If you read actual histories of the making, those comments that Lucas had written 9 or 12 scripts with all of the backstories and future events

Hey, my brother was a theater major at Columbia for about a year.

I’ve always thought what was so compelling about The Last Jedi was the way Johnson saw Campbell’s Hero’s Journey to the end. Think about Odysseus or Beowulf. Their story didn’t end with their grand victory, but with a heroic but sacrificial acknowledgement that their time had come and gone. I liked it, but considering

Star Wars was always destined to be a doomed franchise once Disney bought it. I’m not saying that as a Disney hater, either. The old EU stuff worked because it was mostly batshit crazy fever dreams that was mostly polished fan fiction, with a few flashes of true brilliance (like Stackpole’s Rogue Squadron series). The

It all comes down to computers. The sophistication of the software is miles form where it needs to be and the hardware needed to run that software is still too expensive for mass-produced consumer products (I mean, the military is just now getting to the point they somewhat trust autonomous hardware to be mission

Expecting contract writers to compose music as great as Rumours... I mean I get it, but I also get it. It’s much easier to write songs for a middling band like Stillwater than for what’s supposed to be one of the biggest and best bands that’s ever existed. I don

Go spend 5 minutes on Reddit. If anything doesn’t sound like it came directly from Joe Rogan’s mouth after a 15 hour whiskey and LSD bender then it’s by default woke for MANY people who are VERY loud. This is our current reality.

Enthusiasts demand a manual, but in this day and age I HAVE to wonder if that being the only option will impair its sales.

My conundrum - I loved the Mandalorian as a show when it was a sort of 80's styled adventure of the week format, with a kind of Kung Fu through-story connecting them. But I am wincing at the possibility of the adoption of a super-serialized format. Andor was amazing and utterly unexpected, but Mando shouldn’t - and

As a previously working musician in Austin, I can affirm I have heard some truly terrible drummers as well as some mind-blowing drummers, but there is no such thing as a bad drummer who was able to go out night after night to play with Jack White who didn’t know exactly what they were doing. Meg was just as much of

(I believe you’re missing the obvious sarcasm in the original post, unless the line “clearly the target audience for this film” isn’t the dead giveaway I’d intended it to be)

(I believe you’re missing the obvious sarcasm in the original post, unless the line “clearly the target audience for this film” isn’t the dead giveaway I’d intended it to be)

(I think you’re missing the obvious sarcasm in the original post)

As a 47-year old man, clearly the target audience for this film, I have to say this feels like a kid’s movie. A woke kid’s movie.

I drive 200 miles a week. If someone still sold a $25,000 compact hatchback that had basic range, a good/comfortable interior, and rapid charging, I’d be down. Remember the Leaf? Close. So close. But god the seats and build quality.

The good news is, according to multiple attorneys commenting, Musk has opened himself up to a massive discrimination lawsuit. Should go well for him.

On a related note.

Then scope the canal to make sure there’s no blockage remaining. Easy peasy.