Well, I mean the new Kia EV6 GT trim going for $65k...
Well, I mean the new Kia EV6 GT trim going for $65k...
With the focus on streetability, you’d think a DSG would be a definite option. Look at GTI sales ratios. I can say I PREFER driving a manual, but in reality, driving the car every day in stupid traffic, I actually want the DSG (speaking as the perfectly satisfied owner of a mkVII GTI with DSG).
Where the Civic Type R is geared towards track capability, the Integra Type S is focused on street performance and an emotional driving experience.
In early 2002 I totaled by ‘94 Integra GSR in Dallas pop-up thundershower. Super greasy roads, tired tires form a recent autocross... I still have dreams about that car.
I can handle about one of those shows a week. It’s just too much spirit crushing social malaise to handle. And I prefer Oliver. Maybe with him going on break for a couple of months I’ll get caught up on Stewart’s, show, but TBH I haven’t totally gotten over the incredibly childish and unprofessional treatment of…
Honestly, it’s the celebrity interviews. If it’s a journalist or writer or historian, we’ll watch. But if it’s a celebrity promoting a movie or album, nine times out of ten we switch it off. Often we just don’t even bother.
Gen X hot take - Thanksgiving is overrated and over celebrated. The food generally sucks, you feel like garbage, and celebrating manifest destiny is all sorts of fucked up. And the fact that schools get the whole week off now is bizarre to me. Classes just started a few weeks prior, so why not just bank that week and e…
I’m convinced the majority of people who buy guns do so with the hope of being able to use it on another person to prove how righteous they are. Every comment section about porch pirates or Halloween candy thieves is filled with “Should have shot them.” Humanity is a failed experiment.
Hasn’t been an open secret for years that GM and VW both wanted to buy Tesla, or am I dreaming that? It makes sense though. Tesla is still barely competent as a carmaker.
Butter gravy.
In 1982 my dad took me to a Falcons game. They were playing Cincinnati. It was sort of a big deal because he and I had spent the day in Atlanta car shopping and were going home with a brand new Ford Escort GT - red with a moonroof.
I feel like we have reached a critical mass of conglomeration, and they’re now so intertwined that even if you don’t eat out because a cheeseburger is suddenly $16.50, you’re still giving money to the same corporation when you choose to just buy some ground beef, buns and frozen fries and make it at home. And it’s…
I really think the quality of the products Costco sells is superior to Sam’s, and if you have the “executive” membership with the Citi credit card... all I know is we get a bi-annual rebate check that’s often several hundred dollars. That’s a lot of hot dogs.
Could be regional. Search for “woody breast” - it’s not just Popeye’s, but for whatever the reason they’re the worst offender.
Look up “woody breast.” It’s a thing, and it seems to be increasingly prevalent with factory farmed meat.
Nope. Woody breast is a thing and it’s getting worse. What is woody breast? (chickencheck.in)
My post got weirdly chopped up. I think it was supposed to say something like “but people weirdly prefer breasts to thighs even though they don’t taste as good...”
Can we talk about “woody breast” for a minute? Popeye’s is by far the worst offender, as I’ve received three inedible sandwiches from three different Popeye’s over the past couple of years, but I’ve also gotten my hands on woody meat from the grocery store recently.
Seems she’s saying she’s tired of playing (and watching) predictable, one-dimensional characters.
Back when the NES was new, and I was in the 7th grade, we’d all carry out those little black and white journals that were just page after page of scribbles - maps, codes, patterns. The true nerds would have binders with separator tabs for different games. I literally had an entire volume that was nothing but…