Chairman Kaga

Gah! That’s where I recognize her from - The Waif! I do hope Vel returns in the next 3-episode arc.

Filoni/Favreau are carrying George’s torch. They’re making Star Wars for families with kids. Gilroy is making Star Wars for the parents, after the kids go to bed. Personally I’m thrilled to have both.

Did you like Rogue One? Because Andor is like that, but even more character- and tone-focused. It reminds me more of The Americans than it does Star Wars, and that’s great as far as I’m concerned.

God bless Tony Gilroy (and his brothers Danny and John).No, this is NOT the Star Wars George Lucas created, or maybe even intended. But it’s what Star Wars has grown into. I don’t even think every single new piece of Star Wars media needs to be this grown up. I can absolutely appreciate the franchise having very

Yeah, I’m not in favor of investing in ICE at this point. It’s a dead technology walking (or rolling, as it were). And whenever anyone claims EVs have to be charged with coal, well... no. Even in Texas renewable energy makes up a MASSIVE portion of the state’s entire energy production matrix. I’m just saying that for

Maybe. I don’t know. My friend who has a 75kw Model 3 reports he usually gets about 225-250 miles per full charge, which for him is still enough for 5 days of commutes even if it’s well below EPA figures. Bt I hav no idea how these folks drive, although I DO know traffic between Austin and DFW is absolutely

Friends of our have a new Ioniq5, and while it’s a very cool car and it’s perfect for their lifestyle (they also have a Highlander, so this is the commuter), they’ve yet to get 250 miles range out of it. Could be driving conditions in Austin, climate, habits, but that’s still interesting that they’re getting

And the horrendous impact of rare-earth materials mining for battery production, not to mention the downstream costs. We need a major breakthrough in renewable materials for electricity storage. Ceramics, silicates, something other than lithium, cadmium, platinum, etc.

Everyone needs to drive an NA Miata. It’s the modern benchmark for handling and connection with the machine. You’re still aware you’re driving a machine, but it never really feels like work, or you’re in danger, unlike a lot of other sports cars. It’s also something anyone could get behind the wheel of without having

I’ve been playing No Man’s Sky for years now and have hundreds of hours. And I love this. I have enough credits, assets and resources that I can do just about anything and go anywhere, but I also wish I could just build awesome bases and ride giant dinosaurs and climb giant mountains to look at alien landscapes.

Nostalgia is such a strong drug for Gen-X’ers that I am truly shocked investors aren’t reviving more restaurants from the 70s and 80s. Bennigan’s, Steak & Ale (also mentioned above), Farrell’s and/or Swenson’s, Ponderosa, etc. Nail the period-specific decor, use the same basic menu, but don’t do the Applebee’s thing

Look, we haven’t even solved the basic EV issues yet - large scale charging infrastructure doesn’t exist and rare-earth batteries are unsustainable - which I’d venture are FAR more critical to the future of vehicular transportation than self-driving tech. But what’s sexier and gets more legislative support AND VC bucks

This was posted no fewer than a dozen times in the FB post from the local news. “Why didn’t the NAVY officers shoot back? It’s because Brandon has neutered the military.” “If she’d been armed she’d be alive. An avoidable tragedy.” “Those kids will grow up being strong 2A supporters!”

I’ve used plumber’s putty all over my Alfa Romeo. Tail lights, door cards, split seams in seals. Super handy for automotive stuff. No so sure about anything above, however, other than the drain fitting.

If there’s one thing we know about F1, it’s that rules are totally subjective.

Her eyes are still smaller than Anya Taylor-Joy’s.

Check out Tony Gilroy’s appearance on Maron’s WTF recently. It really gives you an insight into his approach.

Went to my 10th, which was a blast because I got to see some actual close friends. Didn’t go to my 20th because my wife was pregnant and due to pop that week. My 30th is next year and rumor has it our class president wants my old HS band to reform (we’re all still super close, except for the drummer who died of colon

The last time I flew it took me almost 12 hours to get from Little Rock to Austin (the flight was only supposed to be 5, but my first EARLY AM flight was cancelled due to lack of personnel, although I got on the next one, then my connecting flight from Dallas to Austin was delayed 4 hours, so 7am-7pm, and yes I still

The worst sin is learning music you have zero interest in. Pick some songs you love, and even if it’s just learning the basic chords, get to the point you can jam along on rhythm. Rhythm guitar is fundamental. Everyone wants to rip leads, but work on your ability to play songs THAT YOU LIKE. Work on every iteration of