Chairman Kaga

I think it also depends on what you want to play. For me, it’s NES, SNES, and Genesis, with some occasional Atari 2600 Asteroids or River Raid. For those consoles the Raspberry Pie running RetroPie is ideal. Plug in some cheap USB SNES controllers, program your rewind function, and it’s off to the races.

I just have to tune out anyone who uses the word “sando.”

My GTI is the worse. If my dogs are in the back, each window is down and oh god, it literally hurts my ears unless the front is also cracked a few inches. If it cold, hot, or raining, the dogs just have to deal.

Look, there are so many WRITTEN rules that people ignore that I don’t give a whit about anything not in the books.

Don’t worry. By the time we get to “next” the country will be in such deep chaos that we might not even have electricity to power our government mandated cooktops. “Dinky Di for thee, but not for me.”

QPC deluxe, hold all condiments but add Big Mac sauce, extra pickles.

What I keep picking up from these comments is a bizarre sort of gatekeeping. Basically, if you don’t plan your route using a laundry list of apps, databases, message boards, and subreddits, you deserve to die in a ditch. Hyperbole. But not much. Meanwhile, people like my mother in law, who’d be a perfect candidate for

So Kumail Nanjiani’s character is helping force sensitive kids escape the Empire, which is literally the basis of the mission in Fallen Order. I’d say there’s a chance he is tied to Cal Kestis’ operation, and there’s always a solid possibility of Ahsoka being involved as well. Just saying.

The last time I went to Five Guys, and I literally mean THE LAST TIME I’ll ever go, I paid $21 for a cheeseburger, fries, and iced tea. That’s not a smidgen more, and was not empirically better than a McDonald’s deluxe quarter pounder with cheese. In fact, I’d say that arches burger is now the best value/quality

The last time I flew, which has been ages at this point, some joker in the very front of the line decided a full-sized suitcase as carryon and no one noticed until he’d literally gotten it stuck in the bin over the very first row of seats. With the entire gaggle of passengers behind him, it took almost 10 minutes to

It’s sort of a mild secret that Panasonic makes the best electronics in the game. From hi-fi audio components to electric razors, everything the make is high quality, reliable and easy to use. They’d have to invent a brand identity for their EV unit but I’d buy one regardless.

He will come out of retirement JUST for that part.

Musk is the kind of person Upton Sinclair would have excoriated for 800 pages.

“sTAr WarS sElLs ITsElF.”

I’m not a hardliner in most regards. Hell, I’d even vote for a Republican if I was convinced they supported and would advance things I value.

When I removed the exhaust manifolds from my ‘82 GTV6 I found an Alfa Romeo-branded screwdriver wedged down in there. Although, being an Italian car, finding tools from the factory probably isn’t that weird.

When I see something like the inquisitor somehow getting to the rendezvous AND killing everyone before Leia while using the same route, and Varma’s character backtracking and not coming across her either (unless she’s bisected in the tunnel now)... it’s just sloppy and cheap. How the hell do you write, shoot, and edit

The best thing it has going for it is it’s one of the few shows we watch as a family. I know Favreau says it’s an homage to shows like Bonanza or Have Gun Will Travel, but itreminds me most of all those “family viewing” Glen A. Larson TV shows I grew up with in the 70s/80s. And those were bad too. Ha.

Honestly, most of The Mandalorian fucking sucked too. Three, maybe four solid episodes that weren’t rehashed bullshit? And I know people laud Filoni for his storytelling chops, but god does he drag out the actual story. Two seasons + 2 episodes and I still don’t know what The Mandalorian is really about other than

Star Wars is nothing but recycled tropes. The original three (well, two and a half) did it in clever and somewhat subversive ways, but ever since, everything with the Star Wars name attached hasn’t been much more than rote mythological storytelling, increasingly trapped by its own self-referential canon. It’s all weak