Insanity. Utter insanity.
Insanity. Utter insanity.
A good buddy of mine is converting his ‘83 Regal GS wagon to EV using a Tesla drivetrain. He’s still sourcing parts and his timeline is still 24 months, but I’m fascinated by the DIY possibilities.
STARE works well for consonants. Yeah, it’s basic “get the most commonly used letters up front” but I also tend to get the word on the third attempt, so I guess it works well enough.
We are of the same mind.
Well... No. They probably would not.
We were going to rent through Turo for an upcoming trip to the PNW to visit family, but this story led me to additional reading and videos which has turned me off to the whole idea. We’re using USAA discounts to go the traditional route.
Everyone has seen Apollo 13. For a slightly more obscure yet overlooked and truly excellent Ron Howard movie, check out Rush. Rush. It’s on Netflix.
This is gonna sound weird because it’s a car that I absolutely did not want, but a Honda CRV.
I realize logic has never been a significant storytelling device in the Star Wars universe, but the fact the Pykes are literally running spice across the planet surface when heavily armed spaceships exist is nonsensical. It’s just like Abram’s Star Wars - if you take two minutes to analyze the story it mostly falls…
I think the distinction is Luke gives Grogu a choice. However I mostly agree that Luke adhering to the dogmatic views of the Jedi that directly led to their downfall is lazy, and doesn’t even jibe with the Luke we see in The Last Jedi, who felt betrayed by the force and his experience because he seemed to want to take…
The entire problem with the death penalty is our justification for it - we call it a deterrent. We claim the possibility of the death penalty deters others from committing murder, even though something like 65% of all murders in this country go unsolved. The problem is, it does not matter if the person is actually…
Everyone involved here is a dangerous dick. That is all.
I did a little digging and the only black minifigs Lego has ever made are officially licensed - Star Wars, Marvel, NBA, etc. or part of one of their universes, like The Lego Movie. So without paying Hamilton his likeness fee, they had no options. In fact, they’d probably be sued by the Hamilton team for approximating…
The length of a Fletcher-class destroyer was 377 feet, five or take a few inches. A Constellation-class frigate is only 80 feet longer than Amazon Jeff’s boat.
I once added up the number of times I had to use the clutch on a one-way commute home and sort of lost count in the 500 range. Creep in first, stop. Creep in first, stop. Maybe get to second gear, stop. Find a gap, get into fourth, stop. Do that for two hours a day, five days a week. If I went anywhere for lunch or…
I drink one cup, so the Aeropress is my simple go-to device.
That’s not how bureaucratic oligarchies work.
How can you be a citizen if you don’t have a state?