Chairman Kaga

Was it a national deal? I bought mine in Atlanta and had it delivered to Austin, but the local dealerships refused to come within even $5k of the price I got, even after shipping. I gave them ample opportunity to counter, but nah. Maybe it was just the bigger dealers had more flexibility, and with more 2018 inventory

Or maybe it’s just that everything is so exciting that we’re not really supposed to think about any of this. It’s been the show’s m.o. almost from the start: an emphasis on whiz-bang thrill ride and broad emotional beats over thoughtful world-building and character development.

2017 VW GTI SE DSG with lighting package and 33k miles.

I just remember seeing Ghostbusters the year after Return of the Jedi, and realizing THAT was now my favorite movie. Every kid in school had a Ghostbusters logo t-shirt (with parachute pants and Nike hi-tops), and we all quoted the movie endlessly. Still do. For me, it was a line of demarcation between a kid’s movie -

I’ve mostly heard negative, but I don’t know someone who isn’t a critic who’s seen it. I suspect it’ll be one of those movies that sends critics into thinkpiece hell, while most folks who just want a couple of hours to escape from reality will enjoy it. 

If you have ever rinsed or soaked fresh herbs or leafy greens in a sink or bowl that collected the rinse water, you’ll be shocked by the amount of dirt and grit that accumulates in the bottom. Shocked, I tell you.

I suppose when I think about this roster of only men (ahem), my greatest affection is for Williams, who consistently demonstrated a depth of artistry and soul in every performance, even in the truly bad movies like Jakob the Liar.

I guess it occurred to me after actively not watching any Marvel movie since Endgame that I’m pretty bored with the genre.

I literally don’t know a single progressive person who has used the word woke since 2019. It’s now the verbal equivalent of a red hat.

Compost bin. Just do it. Even in an apartment you can construct a small patio composter.

I legit laughed out loud. More like a yelp. That almost never happens anymore. I love this show more and more with each episode.

I have a friend who listens to basically nothing but Scandinavian black metal and hard bop jazz (I know, right), and he thinks this is the most badass move since Prince decided to no longer be Prince in order to screw his former label. Respect.

In college I drank almost an entire bottle of Goldschlager, and the next morning as I violently vomited in my friend’s toilet, I remember thinking I should get a kitchen strainer to recover the gold. Then I passed out again.

My 4-year old GTI hasn’t had a single problem, aside from one of the little rubber grommets that cushion the console compartment door when you close it popping loose... From my circles of fellow GTI owners, I kind of think the majority of GTI and VW build quality woes are mostly apocryphal at this point. And yes, I’d

It looks wrong.

I regret my Saabaru.

Hold up. So the couple is ostensibly being kicked out of their home, and this kid steals something from them that could solve their financial crisis, and he’s the hero?

I mean, have you ever seen Old Boy? That’s literally the theme - ordinary, pathetic dude is driven to furious vengeance. Snowpiercer has a similar core message. I think it’s pretty common Korean trope, isn’t it? And I’m here for it.

After 4 days of no electricity or water last winter, and considering how berserk people went at the outbreak of COVID, I realized if there was an actual apocalyptic event that brought our national infrastructure to its knees, like say a cyber attack that wipes out the national power grid, a significant percentage of

These days, whenever a major studio franchise film is delayed indefinitely in order to “get the script just right” you can be pretty certain it was a dumpster fire and they’re probably just playing the PR long game of revealing the writer/director was actually fired six months ago. This is also Star Wars, a franchise